I found out today, one of my dearest friends in the whole wide world is in Canada for a few weeks. He lives in Florida. I’ve seen him exactly 3 times in the 4 years isnce I moved to Boston. So upon hearing this, I of course began to try to make plans for me to go visit him in Ottowa, as Canada is a lot closer to me than Florida is…
It’s a 6 hour drive. There’s no way I can take time off, because we’re down managers as it is, and for me to take days off would require that my store manager works a 60 hour week (on salary…), and I’m too softhearted to do that to him. I usually get Monday and Wednesday off. If I can’t get someone to switch with me, so that I can have 2 consecutive days off, then I’ll be forced to go sleepless. Say I close Sunday night. Immediately after work, I leave town (at 2 am…), and drive through the night. Arrive in Canada on Monday morning, spend the day with Sean, and depart back to Massachusetts, in order to make it back in time for work at 5 pm on Tuesday. Close Tuesday, and sleep for the first time in days at 3 am Wednesday morning…total time without sleep, noon on Sunday to 3 am on Wednesday, about 40 hours, if I’m counting right. (Which I’m probably not, because I suck at math…)Hopefully, I can find someone to cover Tuesday for me, and I can get an extra day in there to sleep. Otherwise, caffeine OD, here I come…
So, what’s the longest you’ve gone without sleep?