What's the most disgusting or deranged thing you have ever heard of/been witness to?

I used to do a paper route and part of it was on a rather busy, 4 lane road. One morning (4 am or so) I was driving and noticed a kitten in the road, in the middle of one of the oncoming lanes.

It’s bottom half had been run over and completely crushed flat, but the poor little thing’s upper half was still alive and struggling to pull itself free/away.

Horrible. That image stuck with me for a long time in the worst way. :frowning:

This thread is prompting me to post one of the grossest, yet fascinating You Tube videos of all time. It’s the zit that won’t quit. The best part about it is the reaction/commentary of the two women doing the operating. Truly awesome.

Not to be a junior mod or anything, but didn’t we already agree to leave politics out of it?

ETA: Oh, wait - looks like that was a different thread. Well, carry on.

That’s one of the greatest videos ever. Bravo!

It was a different thread but the same type of off-topic snipe. Don’t do it, Second Stone.

Ellen Cherry
MPSIMS Moderator

This one doesn’t compare to some of the ones already listed, but…

One of the stories circulating around the EMT community in our area (and I make no claim for its truthfulness) is of a woman who rear-ended a manure spreader, suffering a compound fracture of her femur (thighbone for the uninitiated) in the process.

The crew responding to this accident opened the car door - and highly liquid manure, which had filled the car to the bottom of the windows, poured out.

In EMT classes, this was used as an example of a “grossly contaminated wound”.

I saw something similar a few years ago, but it was a dog. It was a rainy day, so traffic was heavy on my side-street-only commute, and conditions were slick. Traffic was exceptionally slow on a section of the main road I take to work, and I soon realized why: a small terrier-mix dog had been hit by a car, and its back end was useless to it. He lay scrambling dead center of the road, partially in both lanes. His front end was still functional, and he climbed and reached and scratched with his front legs trying to drag his back end off the road. He was panting in pain and adrenalin. I called the local police to report the dog–he was a hazardous distraction to the drivers, but also, I just wanted someone to come and put him out of his misery. :frowning:

Then I called my husband at home (he hadn’t left for work yet) and, through tears, told him briefly what I’d seen and asked him to give our elderly dog some extra scratches and our kitties some extra pettins. The description pulled at his heart and he readily agreed to offering extra affection.

Despite your disgust, I think it’s pretty clear that a political comment like this is out of place in the current thread. Please refrain.


twicks, MSPSIMS mod

There is a very nice gentleman who raises sterile maggots for medical purposes. The hungry little maggots are far better at identifying necrotic tissue than the most talented surgeon alive. Very useful for non-healing wounds.

This seems kind of urban legendy…A VERY gross story yes…but I mean if he had enough shit in his pants to be breeding maggots, wouldn’t those snowpants have also been affected? Quite possibly the nastiest story I have ever heard!

Back in the day I was the landlord of 2 public houses.

One night I noticed a guy had vomited into a pint glass, I asked him to leave the pub and he promptly picked up the glass drank the contents and left.

I rushed off to the toilets to throw up and even today memories of that guy drinking vomit make me feel quite queasy

This certainly isn’t of the same caliber as some of the other stories, and may not qualify for the OP’s request for “light-hearted”, but here goes.

In the mid-1970s, my family and I were vacationing in Bali. My parents were in the cottage taking a nap, and I was out on the beach. I heard instruments and saw a procession heading toward the water.

The procession consisted of 8 or 10 men carrying some sort of platform, followed by what looked like an entire village. The platform was a somewhat hollow “box” made from three or 4 layers of banana trunks (each trunk was about 12 inches thick). The box was supported by bamboo poles, and when they reached the beach, they put the whole thing on top of a pile of wood.

I made my way through the crowd and looked into the box. There was a dead man in the box. I will not describe what he looked like, but suffice it to say that not one horror movie has ever captured that look. I asked someone about the man and found out he had died some 2 or 3 months before. It had taken the family that much time to raise the money for the funeral/cremation.

Bear in mind that this was in Bali, just a few hundred miles south of the equator, in the summer. To say the body was ripe would be an understatement.

Morbidly curious, though, I stifled my urge to purge and edged my way closer. I noticed that the man was laying on a bed of cooked rice, and that there were different fruits surrounding the body.

And then I saw a little boy, probably not much more than 2 or 3 years old, reaching up and into the box, grabbing a handful of the rice, and eating it.

I thought I had forgotten about this.

When I was a teenager, I worked on a farm that raised Welsh ponies (mid-sized ponies, around 500 pounds). In addition to the ponies, the barn housed a population of un-fixed cats and the inevitable kittens. There were almost always kittens wandering around the barn and grounds.

Equines can be picky about where they step with their front feet, but they’re not always as careful with their hind feet. I was bringing a pony into the barn, trying to dodge the aforementioned kittens. The kitten avoided the pony’s front feet, but its luck ran out then, and the pony brought a hind foot down squarely on the kitten’s head, crushing it like an egg.

The pony didn’t notice, but I was horrified. I can still see that mangled, convulsing kitten. Gah.

Another animal gettin squished story.

Back when I was still in high school and living at home I got into our van with most of the family to go to the mall. The van backs out of the driveway and over a bump. Huh? There should not be a bump there. My step-dad was driving and I was riding shotgun so we both got out to look and the bump turned out to be our very old practically deaf kitty laying there with her back half crushed and the front half was moving around but not making any sound. It was so surreal. To me it looked like a radio controlled Jim Hensen puppet.

I’m going to give my kitties extra lovin when I get home from work today.

My wife’s “miscarriage”.

It was to have been a baby girl.

We knew it was “over” when they asked D to take an X-Ray.

May God forgive me for what I did to what was to have been our little doll.


I’ve probably written these stories out before, so bear with me.

I was riding a motorcycle to Ho Chi Minh’s birthplace near Vinh in Vietnam. My girlfriend was on the back of the bike, and to my right were two guys on a scooter. The truck in front of us stopped suddenly, and it didn’t have brake lights.

I slammed on the brakes and came to a halt with my face about 1 inch from the rear bumper of the truck. We were wearing helmets, so if we had hit it we would have been hurt, but not wounded. The guys on the scooter had no helmets, nor stopped in time.

The driver hit the bumper with his forehead, which scalped him, and cannoned his head back into his passenger’s face, breaking his nose. The passenger was wearing dark glasses, and they smashed and jabbed into his cheeks. There was blood everywhere.

I got off the bike to help the guys, who were both knocked out, while my girlfriend stood up at the back to hold the bike up. After a few seconds, they both came round. The driver stumbled around, realised his scalp was hanging off, grabbed it and stuck it back on top of his head. The guy with the mashed face dabbed at the blood with his shirt. Then they got back on the bike and rode off. :confused:

The crowd were more interested in westerners on a motorcycle - especially a white chick sitting on one in shorts. Vietnamese women wear long skirts and ride pillion sidesaddle.

The second one wasn’t me, but photographs on the hard drive of the PC in the charity offices during the tsunami cleanup. A guy who’d been in his bungalow above the waterline walked out into the wreckage just after the waters had receded, and took hundreds of pictures of what was left. I still have nightmares about it.

However, one day in the office, a buddy of mine was laughing and calling me over to the PC to look at one of his pictures. “Dude, check this out. Gross!”

There, on a boulder, a dried human foot. He had initially thought it was a rubber glove, but then realised it had toenails. The bones had been stripped out, and it had just sat there for months, desiccating.

We had a sense of gallows humor, but mine evaporated for a while when I found a green and rotting hip, femur, and the top of a skull.

The body parts were stored unrefrigerated in a big tupperware tub behind the bar of a pub, and collected every few weeks by whichever nationality’s police happened to turn up.

I should not have clicked on this thread!

Goes away to scrub out memory with bleach

Uhhh… what?

Surfing the web one day a few years ago I stumbled on a mislabeled site under poetry but it was the one that shows gruesome scenes. One called taxi IIRC showed a pic of a cab driver that had been shot in the back of the head by a shotgun. Kept me awake several nights for weeks. Wish you hadn’t asked me about it.

My morbid curiosity wants to know a little more backstory behind many of the stories in this thread, but this is one I don’t want to know anything about.

Anyway, my story has been stated on these boards before, and isn’t really anything compared to the others, but I live near a Korean dog meat restaurant and I often walk by when the dogs are being delivered. 13 or so skinned, bloody dog carcasses stacked in the back of some guy’s van that pulls up to the restaurant. Sometimes the dog meat dealer and the restaurant owner will get into shouting matches over the weight of a particular dog and will be grabbing a carcass back and forth between themselves. Parts sometimes fall off including, once, a snout. Blech.