What's the most disgusting thing you've seen in a mainstream non-porn movie?

Tom Hanks breaking his own tooth off with an ice-skate in Castaway.

Okay, maybe it’s not really mainstream because it’s Chinese, but the movie Guts of the Virgin had the most horrible sex scenes EVER. They were both the “Hey, I can make you famous if you sleep with me” type of situations, so it was somewhat concentual on the female characters’ parts, but there was NO MUSIC, which just made every second of the ten minute long scenes more horrible to watch as the girls try and inch away as the guys sleeze all over them. Terribly disturbing.
And I’m surprised no one’s mentioned Crash yet, the movie where the people get off from witnessing horrible car wrecks, and the scene with where the guy fucks the girls leg wound!!! Ehhhh.
And it’s been mentioned before here, and I’ve mentioned it several times in various threads, but the Doom Generation is definitely a TERRIBLE film, and the whole thing should be destroyed.

Of course, that whole damn movie was disturbing.
Disturbingly boring.

Clint Eastwood’s naked, scrawny, flabby, wrinkled chest in
True Crimes. And then again in Space Cowboys.


I agree totally. I expected it to be an intruguing look into his spirit, how he survives, what he thinks, how he feels, how he copes. Instead, it’s a sappy ass love story. Fuck that.


When me and my friend (note: not my friend and I, take that!) saw that, we were too horrified to leave the theater. we got out when the two guys started to get it on, the horror had worn off enough we could move. only movie i ever walked out of. that movie managed to have a steady stream of people leave it, i’ve never seen anything like that movie-wise (though i had a few college classes where people ran away…)

Flesh for Frankenstein (1974; Also Known As Andy Warhol’s Frankenstein) had a scene where a man’s head was chopped off with a pair of huge choppers. But the icky scene was someone fucking a “wound” in Frankie’s body.

So what’s the sloth scene in 7? I knew I didn’t want to see it, but I gotta know.

phartizan, there’s NO WAY to describe it. Even if I tell you the situation, it still won’t give you an accurate idea of just how disgusting this scene was.

Personally, I thought Gluttony was the grossest. Lust was just plain disturbing.

Let me just say that I was 13 when I saw that movie. :eek:

No, that was a diversion to get him to come outside the house. I’ve read the original script, and one of the Crips was standing outside the door with a piece ready to blast Derek once he came outside. Of course, Derek looks through the peephole, sees the Crip waiting for him and gets the advantage, catching them offguard.

I don’t get disturbed by movies very often, but pretty much all of Cronenberg’s Dead Ringers creeped me out something fierce. Blew Crash away, IMO.

In the nauseous-visceral disgust category, there’s a bit near the end of Requiem for a Dream where Jared Leto’s character rolls up his sleeve, revealing just how nasty and gangrenous a huge open sore on his main shooting vein has become in the year of movietime since we last saw it as just a tiny sore. It’s now pretty much eating his arm. He shoots up through the dead, open, oozing center of it, because he’s more worried about getting another fix right now. That made me physically recoil from the screen.

Ditto for me on this one, cmburns, and I can handle the most graphic/gory movies. But I think it had to do with the fact that years ago in high school a good friend of mine Freddy was actually murdered in a way similar to this, that is cut to pieces and charred with gasoline:(. Most people heard about it only because the killer, Sam Sheinbein, fled his coward ass to Israel to escape justice.

The first time I saw the movie was a couple months after it happened, so needless to say I wasn’t able to make it through the scene (much less the movie), and have no desire to ever do so.

Casino. No, not the eyeball popping out or other sundry violent acts. The scene where the guy spits on the hero sandwich before serving it to the unsuspecting police officers.

Everything about Crash and the rape scene in Deliverance are equally horrible. I puked Lake Erie after seeing them.

I try to avoid movies with very gross imagery. I was unable to avoid Starship Troopers and Casino, for example, which I will not bother to repeat about.

I don’t know if they count as mainstream movies, but I would like to add the eye-slicing scene in Un Chien Andalou (is it old and famous enough to be mainstream yet?) and the drill scene in [sym]p[/sym].

The vomit scene in “The Meaning of Life.”

The french toast in “Road Trip.”


I saw a Japanese movie called Audition last Friday. It had several gross scenes, but the worst is at the end. The main character is immobilized (with some kind of drug, but he can still feel pain) by the woman he loves, who then proceeds to stick needles in and around his eyes. She also cuts his foot off with one of those wire saws.

This was a movie my date chose – for our first date! :eek:

A pair of masturbation scenes in Happiness. That whole movie was pukeable, but those were the tops. I guess I’ll have to take NC-17 (or was it Not Rated?) ratings more seriously in the future. (Apologies if this has already been mentioned, but I’m too chicken to read this whole thread to find out.)

Men Behind the Sun is a movie that was financed by the government of China to document the attrocities committed by the Japanese during World War II. It is very graphic and very horrible.

But it is Mary Poppins when compared to Salo: 120 Days of Sodom which has my vote as having the most disgusting scenes ever recorded on film. The rest of you might as well give up, nothing will ever beat Salo. One of the actors was so severely traumatized that he murdered the director shortly after the film was completed.

And thank you for putting in the correct title of that movie. I knew that didn’t look right, but for the life of me couldn’t remember what it actually was. I haven’t seen it since it first came out on video. Plus I am going senile…

Now I’ll have to see it again just so I can say, Hey! I KNOW that Doper there!! :slight_smile:

Perderabo, you got your facts wrong. Pasolini was brutally murdered by a 17yr old Pino Pelosi (and possibly others). Pelosi was never in 120 days or any other film. Rumor has it that the murder was policically motivated, but the jury found nothing to prove this.