What's the "One Skill" you can offer to the world?

I really good with my tongue…

I can build a data driven E-Commerce website from the ground up.
(not that that’s worth much anymore…)

Oh and I’m really good with my tongue too…:wink:

I can take the middle finger of my left hand and bend it all the way back so it touches the top of my wrist.

On more then one occasion I have been tapped as the “most uncomfortable person ever.” Which means if there’s somebody you absolutely hate, you can put me and that person in a bed, and every time they get confortable I’ll shift and disturb them.

I’m also very good about putting things, extremely large amounts of things, in order.

I can snap my toes like no other.
Aren’t you all proud? :slight_smile:

I can undo the flies of jeans without using my hands.

And I can associate everything with NASCAR. My best friend and I, when extremely bored, used to sit around tryign to come up with something - anything - that hte other person couldn’t associate with NASCAR in some way.

ooh ooh, I can whistle 3 different ways
regular whistle
breathing in whistle (very high pitched)
and by making an O and blowing I can make a ckoe bottle sound.

Now what can I do with it other then make noise and annoy people …