What's the...the 'point' of a Drag Show?

I feel bad for you Karl. While I’m a woman who is big into “girl power,” there are just things a guy can get away with that a woman can’t. I’d get all macho, hit on girls, pretend to know everything about football (but get shown up by a “girl” who knows more). It was fun to be a dude.

Wait, you were in a drag show with an 80’s sitcom theme? Did you do Sledge Hammer? That would be awesome!

You know, that was a joke, but that’s a really good idea. I would watch the crap out of that, and I’m a straight guy.

To follow-up my earlier post, I searched to find if there was any info on the drag club in Kansas City. Turns out someone has collected a lot of stuff. Here is the link.. If memory serves, the family friend was Skip Arnold, and is in a couple of pictures on that page.

It doesn’t even have to be that kind of drag…

There are male comics who include female characters among their repertoire and the characters are supposed to be as sexy as… as a late-middle-aged housewive in a thick robe, curlers and towelcloth flip-flops can be. Or an all-in-black, hair-in-a-bun grandmother. Wait a minute, that’s exactly what the comics are dressed up as! (google images for “morancos” for an example) While the specific cultural stereotype they’re making fun of is as big a target for female comics, some of the twists and jokes a man will do/be culturally allowed/allow himself are different from those of a woman. A female comic dressed up as a female policeman will also run different jokes than one dressed up as a male policeman. In these cases, the actor in drag is not trying to “pass”, but exaggerating hers own gender’s view of the gestures and behaviours of the other half. The “middle aged housewife” will puff up her chest in a way that most big-chested women specifically avoid; the “policeman” will rearrange his pants about as discreetely as a three-year-old boy, something any housebroken guy has learned not to do. As in so many visual gags, a lot of the joke is in the exaggeration.

Ah, no wonder I could not find a working website for one of those. It’s not Alcatraz, which is actually a new go-go bar in Pattaya (theme is girls behind bars), but rather Alcazar. Website here. And although it was not working when I posted earlier, the Tiffany website is now back up.