What's the WORST SDMB fight among Dopers?

Sorry, I thought this was the “getting hit on the head” room.

Um, I wasn’t here, but I read about it-she was a former mod who was demoted, and then she threatened to sue Ed Zotti for some reason.

Oh, what the hell. The truth is the truth, and we’re dedicated to seeking truth and eradicating ignorance here. I don’t believe in withholding information, no matter how unpleasant it is.

Please don’t ban me for this…please don’t ban me for this… :slight_smile:


I suggest not rehashing ugly moments that the board has been through.
And since I have überpowers, I can emphasize my suggestion by closing this thread. Which I will do forthwith and without embarassment.

BTW Necros - if you’re afraid that you’re doing something that will cause you to be banned, then how’s this for an idea - don’t do it!