What's this about the Millemium?

OK, I guess I just don’t see where and how people can say that the millennium starts at the end of 2001.
Where do the come up with this.

I don’t know how to best put this, so it is understood.
But here goes.

The vertical slash will represent “midnight”. For the sake of simplification, “midnight” will not belong to any given day.
It will just be used as a dividing point. One pixel to the left of the “|” will = one second before midnight. On the last day of that century.
One pixel to the right of the “|” will = one second after midnight. On the first day of that century, and so on.

Keep in mind, that the years after the one “|” and before the next “|” are counted
as such, ex. (100AD|101AD|102AD|) and so on.

Of course in between the “|” marks, on this scale will represent 100 years.
Except for the last three years, which will represent individual years. For the sake of detail.
In order not to confuse the very first, year or decade or century with being “0”.
The “?” will be use to represent that “specific instance” that divides BC from
Also, the multiple “|” will represent a time line that would normally be labeled with the year or decade or century that it represents.
For example ( 1000AD| ). The “|”, would hold the label “1000AD”.
NOT—I repeat–NOT ( |1000AD ) THIS WAY.

So, take a look now at the representation below.
Count the number of “|” up to ( 2000AD| ).
Don’t forget that the last 3 are individual years.
So don’t count ( 1999AD| ) as (2000AD| )
Also, don’t forget that the “|” also represents “New Years”




When you get to ( 2000AD| ) Which year was just to the left of the “|”?
Which “New Years” would you be celebrating at that “|”?
Which year did you just come out of?

“New Years” is suppose to be the celebration of the passing of that year.
But we have become accustom to celebrating it as the up coming year.

Don’t ask me, I did start this stupid system of counting years.

So when you come to the “|” in (2000AD|) you’ve just come out of the actual 2000th year AD, that year is done and over with.
If you don’t believe me, go back and count the spaces in between the “|” marks.

When you celebrate “New Years” on the “|” in (2000AD|). you’re actually
celebrating the passing of a full 2000 years.

This is also why the year 2000 and after is known as the 21st century. Up to the
year 2100, which will be know as the 22nd century.

Because when we are living in any of the years between the begining of 2000 and the end of 2099, we are
actually living in the 21st century.
Just as when we are living in any of the years between 1900 and 2000, we are
actually living in the 20th century.

To prove this, you can replace the (2001AD|),
with (2100AD|) and completely remove the (1999AD|).
And when you come to the “|” in (2000AD|), what century are you in on the right side of it?

All thing that use numbers work like this.
Right down to the time on your clock.

Say, it 5:20 PM.
What time is it?
It’s 20 minutes after 5:00 in the afternoon.
Or 5 hours and 20 minutes after noon.
But which hour are you actually in?
Your in, what will be counted as the 6th hour after noon or 6:00 PM.
5 hours have already passed.
But we need something from the 5th hour to count up to that 6th hour.
The same goes for years.
Right now were in the 2000th year. But we won’t count it as a full year until we have counted up to that point.
For example, today we’re in the year 1999 and 8 months and 27 days.
The actual 1,999th year has past. We’re counting up to 2000. And 1 second after midnight this coming new years. We will be in the year that will become 2001, but not for another 365 days.

Sorry, at the beginning I ment to say:I just don’t see where and how people can say that the millennium starts at the end of 2000 or new years 2001.


On Dec 31, 1 A.D., at 11:59 pm, the first year of the first millenium was almost done. On Jan 1, 2 A.D., at 12:00 Midnight, the first year of the first millenium had been completed, and the second year was being started. If you keep this up, you see that, in any given year, the year number (e.g. 1999) is not the number of years already complete, but the number of years that will be complete at the end of the year.

At the end of 1999, we will have completed 1999 years. On Jan 1, 2000 A.D., at midnight, we will be starting the 2000th year of existence from the arbitrary point at which we break over from B.C. to A.D.

Thus, at the end of the year 2000 we will finally have completed a full 2000 years of such existence, and will be embarking, at Midnight, Jan 1, 2001, upon the third millenium of such existence.

Hours are not the same, because unlike years, they denote time already past. Unlike years, which didn’t have a year ‘0’, hours do have the hour ‘0’ which in civilian usage in the US is called 12:01 to 12:59, but in military and astronomical usage is called 00:01 to 00:59.

So, to adopt your interesting notation, the way it worked was: (1 B.C.|1 A.D.) where after Dec. 31 in the year 1 B.C. there was Jan 1, 1 A.D.

No, no, the 31 Dec 2000 people are right! Although everything you say about the year 1 BC and 1 AD is correct, the fact is that there were TWO years 1959. The Eisenhower administration was so boring that people slept through an entire year, without noticing it… On 31 Dec 1959, the calendar changed to 1 Jan 1959(B).

Some said this was a trick by the Republicans to keep control of the Presidency for another year. Others said that this was an effort by the Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra to keep us in the 50s for another year, knowing how revolutionary 60s music would be.

But the fact is that the public was so pleased with itself and so bored, that no one noticed. The few historians in the know designated the two 1959s as 1959A and 1959B.

In any case, the addition of the extra 1959 means that 2000 full years will have elapsed between 1 January 1 AD and 31 Dec 1999.

Just in case this is all too confusing:

The AD period starts at the beginning of the year 1.

At the end of the year 1, the AD period is a year old.

At the end of the year 2, the AD period is two years old.

At the end of the year 10, the AD period is 10 years old.

At the end of the year 100, the AD period is 100 years old.

At the end of the year 1000, the AD period is 1000 years old.

And at the end of the year 2000, the AD period is 2000 years old.

John W. Kennedy
“Compact is becoming contract; man only earns and pays.”
– Charles Williams

Everyone is making it more complicated than it needs to be.

Let’s say you have a series of audio tapes, numbered 1 to 1000. You want to listen to them in series. You will start with tape 1, and when you have completed tape 1000, you will have finished the full set and can start over from the beginning. Now let’s say the tapes are numbered from 1901-2000. Get it? When you finish tape 2000, you can start with the next series of 1000.


“On Dec 31, 1 A.D., at 11:59 pm, the first year of the first millenium was almost done. On Jan 1, 2 A.D., at 12:00 Midnight, the first year of the first millenium had been completed, and the second year was being started.”

Yes, on Dec 31st within the year 1 A.D. at 11:59 PM the first year in “A.D.” was almost done. twelve months had past, from the transition from BC to AD.
Meaning, that from (Dec. 31st BC to Jan. 1st AD)which we will call the transition period.
Until Dec 31st AD at 11:59 PM the first year in “A.D.” was almost done.
But it was not labeled as 1 A.D. until it had past, at midnight Jan. 1st within what will be called 2 A.D.
Do you see what I mean?
12 months have to pass from the transition period until the label (1 A.D.)can be plased on the year.
Thus, you have the first 12 months of the very first year, that just fell in to what would be labeled as 1 A.D.
The transition period could just as well be labled “0”.
And you can think of it as positive and negitive numbers.
With BC being the negitive numbers and AD being the positive numbers.
Will this help?

(Dec. 31 B.C.|Jan. 1st A.D.) the “|” mark, represents the transition period.

Now we’ll just go by months.

Dec. BC|Jan. AD|Feb. AD|Mar. AD|Apr. AD|May AD|Jun. AD|Jul. AD|Aug. AD|Sept. AD|Oct. AD|Nov. AD|Dec. AD|
At the end of (Dec. AD|)on the 31st day at 11:59 PM the first year in A.D. was almost done.
The first 12 months in A.D. did not for say hold a year designation.
They only fell in to, what would be called the first year.
So the first year did not end until that second had past on Dec. 31st at 11:59:59.
Then it was midnitht Jan. 1st in what will be come the 2nd year in A.D.

Um, a nice theory, but not the actual in fact way it went. The point is that there was NO transition period. There was no year ‘0’. There was only 1 BC followed IMMEDIATELY by 1 AD. This is because the designation AD means anno Domini, translated: in the year of our Lord. Thus, 1 A.D. is 1 Anno Domini, or In the Year of Our Lord 1. The ‘first year’ in other words.

This isn’t an opinion, by the way, it is verifiable fact. I suggest checking it out if you have a question. :slight_smile:

Ok, where can I find a representation of the timeline?
I’ve looked on the net and in an encyclopedia but I can’t seem to find a timeline.
I guess we were taught in school, the way I’ve explained it here.
If it is the way you say it is, then wouldn’t the first mark on the timeline in A.D.
be (2 A.D.) sence all 12 months of the first 12 months already had the 1 A.D.

Please tell me where I may find a time line that shows me the way you have explained it.

Is this in reference to a column by Cecil? If so, please post a link so we can see how right he is compared to the rest of you.



“The point is that there was NO transition period. There was no year ‘0’. There was only 1 BC followed IMMEDIATELY by 1 AD. This is because the designation AD means anno Domini, translated: in the year of our Lord. Thus, 1 A.D. is 1 Anno Domini, or In the Year of Our Lord 1. The ‘first year’ in other words.”

Yes, I know what anno Domini means, and I think it fits what I have posted above.

But tell me.
What was the date at the very start of “A.D.”?
By this I mean, what was the very first month and day in “A.D.”?

And if there is NO transition period.
What is there to devide B.C. from A.D.?
How do YOU tell them apart?

If we go by what YOUR saying.
Both 1 BC and 1 AD would have had to share the same year.
|4 BC|3 BC|2 BC|BC 1 AD|2 AD|3 AD|4 AD|

With the years |BC 1 AD| together only having a total of 365 days.
In other words, from Jan. 1st 1 B.C. to Dec. 31st 1 A.D., encompassed only 12 months.

Is that what your saying?

John W.Kennedy,

The AD period starts at the beginning of the year 1.

At the end of the year 1, the AD period is a year old.

At the end of the year 2, the AD period is two years old.

At the end of the year 10, the AD period is 10 years old.

At the end of the year 100, the AD period is 100 years old.

At the end of the year 1000, the AD period is 1000 years old.

And at the end of the year 2000, the AD period is 2000 years old.


“The AD period starts at the beginning of the year 1.”
The begining of the year 1 would be Jan. 1st .

“At the end of the year 1, the AD period is a year old.”
The end would be Dec. 31 or 365 days or 12 months later.
Then one year is marked as done.
This one year is marked down as 1 A.D.
From start, to 365 days later is one year.

Then we have the end of 2 years or 365 days past 1 A.D. or Dec. 31st after 1 A.D.
Now we’re at 2 A.D.

Then we have the end of 10 years.
Which is 9 years + 365 days.

Then we have the end of 100 years.
Which is 99 years + 365 days.

Then we have the end of 1000 years.
Which is 999 years + 365 days.

Then we have the end of 2000 years.
Which is 1999 years + 365 days.
We are right now at 1,999 years + 8 month + 28 days and some odd hours, minutes and seconds.

Tell me.

When will 2000 years be up.

Stop burning grey cells on this topic. Nothing will change, either next year or the year after, on a millennial scale. Every year is another circle 'round the sun.

on a closely related subject: a name for the first decade of the new century.

If the Y2K worrywarts are right, the name for the first decade of the next century will not be the “Zips” or “The Naughty Aughties”

It will be “THE DARK AGES…PART 2”


The days in succession go as follows:

Dec 29, 1 BC
Dec 30, 1 BC
Dec 31, 1 BC
Jan 1, 1 AD
Jan 2, 1 AD
Jan 3, 1 AD
and so forth…

Midnight, Jan 1, 2001, will be the point at which 2000 years of existence subsequent to the change over will have occured.

Of course, I note that no one has brought up the 10 or so dropped days in the change over from Julian to Gregorian calendars… :wink:


We’re in the eighth month of the 1999th year.

Look back over your calculations.

You admit that the first year of the Common Era was 1 CE.

Now, by the logic of the quoted statement, on January 1st, 1 CE, 1 year had already passed in the Common Era.

This is simply wrong. 01/01/0001 was the very first day of the Common Era.

Now, tell me when 2000 years will have passed.

‘They couldn’t hit an Elephant from this dist…!’

Last words of General John Sedgwick

OK I like the calculations but what about when we swiched Calanders. How about the year that was 455 days? How about when the years started on March 25, and not Jan 1.

If someone wants to make the adjustments when exactly taking those changes in effect will the second millenium take place.


I surrender!

I guess I was always under the impression that humans didn’t start counting the date as 1 AD until it had passed. Or 365 days after 12/31/0001 BC.

For example, the day AFTER the very first new years in AD, (meaning that 366 days after 12/31/0001 BC) would be 01/01/0002 AD, instead of 01/01/0001 AD.

Eventhough only 1 year had passed in AD.
The date would be 01/01/0002.
JeezS… With all of that!

I am even more convinced that a stardate would be 1000% more efficient then this barbaric and primitive calander system that is in use now.

Thanks to all for making it more clear to me.

Hovjaj 99658.2
HoD ghalen


The year with 455 days was BC.

And the days dropped changing from the Julian to the Gregorian calendar were just compensation for there having been too many leap years.

John W. Kennedy
“Compact is becoming contract; man only earns and pays.”
– Charles Williams