What's this device attached to a stop sign?

So this very mysterious-looking device appeared attached to a stop sign down the street from me for about 2 days and then disappeared again. Anyone know what it is? It’s a road they’re building a bridge on and about a week ago they had those traffic counter hoses in the road so perhaps this is related to that? Or something else? And if this is indeed a traffic counting device, how in the heck does it work?

Picture 1: http://i.imgur.com/uwJspPe.jpg
Picture 2: http://i.imgur.com/81mrneN.jpg

Are the greenish pixellated things street signs that you have anonymized, or are they part of the weird device?

My WAG is, it looks like it could be a camera of some sort, to gather data relating to the vehicles (weight/size, # of axles, speed) that travel on that road/street.

It’s a camera. When bridge work is going on here, and the cars are confined to one lane only, the camera detects traffic and controls the stop/go temporary lighting.

I don’t know if you had any of that, but that is certainly a camera.

That stop sign is the only traffic control device there (cross street doesn’t stop) so I suppose it’s gathering data on the traffic. They’re probably deciding if a traffic light is needed there. Thanks!

Yeah its a camera. And its feed probably goes straight to a bank of monitors under Obama’s Oval Office desk! :smiley: