What's this fascination everyone seems to have with the ground?

Is there something on the toes of your shoes that causes you to stare so fixedly at the pavement while you are strolling around town? Is eye contact so dangerous that you would rather watch sewer grates go by than look forward and see the world around you? Is this just a city phenomenon? Because it certainly was the exception rather than the rule in the small town where I grew up. Or is it something that has changed with time, were things just different in the 80’s? Now it seems that when I am around Cincinnati, I am the only one looking at people’s faces as they pass. There are exceptions of course, but when someone does make eye contact with me, they usually look quickly away as if embarrassed to be caught looking. :confused:
I put on my best “Not a serial killer” smile (patent pending), but it is relatively rare that anyone actually looks me in the eye, much less smiles back. My co-workers have agreed that most people downtown do seem to avoid contact of any kind to a high degree, but they contend that when they are out and around with me it seems that I/we get more glances and smiles then when they are out alone. I propose that if they would do as I do and look out instead of down then this would not be the case. Someone please help me understand the rationale behind this vexing behavior?

If we looked up you would see us all smirking at you.


Ahhh, brutal honesty, that’s why I love the SDMB.

“If you go through life looking down, you’ll miss the sunshine.”

But you’ll never fall in a big hole.

On a serious note, Desmond Morris cites this as one example of adaptive behaviour by people living in crowded environments. See his book, The Human Zoo. Generally, you don’t see this ‘reluctance to meet your gaze’ behaviour in more sparsely populated areas.

I love crowds, and I smile at everyone and most everyone smiles at me, and sometimes I think that flowers might spring up from the pavement, or small furry animals gather 'round to be in the sunshine with me as I walk down the street with my top hat and my bumbershoot. The End.

Growing up, it was a good habit to develop if you wanted to avoid stepping in a blob of spit. Always better to have to look at the disgusting things, then to slip on and fall in it.

Still, last summer I was walking with an aquaintance (who happens to be from Anchorage dunno if that means anything) and was shocked when I noticed her smiling at people. Then she actually said hello to some of them. Weird, very weird. I’m used to not making eye contact, wouldn’t want to intrude.

Sometimes its better to avoid some wierdo by staring at the ground. I despise getting caught up by some overdone story told by a homeles guy trying to scam money. I’ve done it a hundred times.

I like to say high to folks, but there are times I just want to go about my buisness without realizing anothers presence who means nothing to me.

It’s funny you should mention this. I had typed, and then deleted a comment about how Alaska is one of the few places where cityfolk don’t seem to have lost that small town friendlyness. When I visited Anchorage, and for a greater duration Fairbanks, my co-workers (it was a business trip) were about the only ones who didn’t fit in, I felt right at home.

I do this all the time. It’s not 'cause I’m rude or scared of people, it’s just that I’m off in my own little world and only barely aware of my surroundings.

Good question! I will readily admit I avoid the eyes of strange men…paranoid in the big city, I guess. Believe it or not, sometimes men will construe a direct look as something other than, um, a direct look.
I absolutely look at people I know straight in the eyes…and cannot stand it when someone won’t look me in the eyes!

jinwicked just from reading your posts I can tell that you have that outgoing personality that most people warm up to. So it is no surprise that you get that reaction, although I must say that I’ve been to your website and it probably doesn’t hurt that you are cute as a button. :smiley:

Mastema -

People find the the ground fascinating when you are around. Indeed, they worship the ground you walk on. They dare not meet the gaze of a deity such as you. That, or you should get that hairy facial wart removed.