What's "TMI"? What's "personality bleed"?

I believe situational. In the thread in Q, the poster wasn’t just committing personality bleed, but personality disembowelment.

For Guy’nBlueJeans, it was bad. It got him banned. For those who didn’t like him, it was good. It got him banned.

Now seriously, it is bad. While being honest and forward is a good thing, injecting your personal life into every single thing you say and do is not as pleasant for those around you.

Think of any one track record person you know. Those who bring Bush into any thread, or religion, or pollution, or whatever. This is the same, except that his one track is his personality.

There are plenty of those types here that don’t get banned.

I am not questioning the banning of this Guy. I was about to mail a mod about it, in fact. I am just trying to explain “personality bleed”

FWIW, for a long time - working only from context - I thought that TMI meant “Three Mile Island,” as in, do not approach without concern for safety.

The Powers That Be have never instructed me on the use of trademarks or copyrght notifications when posting; you may relax on that point.

Regarding my use of ™ with the name Google, it is simply a habit I picked up a long time ago. I do not see it as an obligation, but as a favor returned for great service. :stuck_out_tongue: