What's under Marilyn's Dress?

Exactly, how accurate is the Chicago Marilyn Statue? :stuck_out_tongue:
Did the artist really include ruffled panties under there? Yep, he did. :wink:

Bunch of curious guys taking pictures under Marilyn’s Dress.

It is a cool statute. Is this located downtime Chicago? Easy to find?

No, it’s up all the time. :smiley:

Seriously, though, I believe it is on the miracle mile, a long stretch of Michigan Avenue that is famous for its shops. It should be relatively easy to find.

Moving to Cafe Society.

General Questions Moderator

The first thing to realize is that there are multiple versions of the pose. There’s the scene in the movie (Seven Year Itch) and then there is the photo shoot that went down like a press conference.
The pictures with her mugging for the camera are from the photo shoot, and I don’t see any ruffles on her undergarments in those shots.
I’m not finding any stills of the movie scene with panties visible, so we’ll have to wait until somebody with the movie chimes in.

Tangentially related trivia: the dress itself sold at auction last month for $4.6 million at Debbie Reynold’s auction of her collection. The buyer hasn’t yet been publicly identified. There’s a detailed description and video of the dress here.

Saw this on the NBC News on Friday, but the links say this is going to be taken down spring 2012. Why so short? Where’s it going then? Can I bid for it on eBay?

As I almost said to a friend, but decided better of it: at least they didn’t have her straddling The Bean.

I’d like to see this statue if my trip to Chicago works out this Oct. I’ve always liked Marilyn’s films. The artist did a good job capturing her care free attitude.

I’d guess that it’s made of a material, or painted with a paint, that isn’t ideal for keeping outside.

In direct response to the title of the thread:

Marilyn’s legs, of course. :smiley:

I didn’t fact-check this, but my wife told me the intention is to rotate the sculpture in that space annually.

You know the articles you linked answer both of your questions, right? :slight_smile:

I believe they have put a different sculpture by the same artist in that spot for several years running. Last year I think it was King Lear. Before that it was a scene from American Gothic. I’ve no idea where they go when their time is up.

Has any Chicago hipster posed under it holding a desk fan yet? Seems predictable.

Here’s my shot of it while still under cover.

You could tell the guy holding the back part of the cover was well aware of everyone taking pictures and tried to avoid looking up.

Wow! that’s a lot bigger than I expected.

That’s what… you know? Nevermind.

wanders off mumbling something about “low hanging fruit” :smiley:

Joe Di Maggio, next question.

The Face of God!