What's with these prostitution arrest photos?

Not sure if this should go in MPSIMS or IMHO, but here goes:

The Saint Paul police post photos every week of their prostitution arrests. But what really strikes me is just how ugly looking the prostitutes always seem to be. Not just homely or plain looking, but butt ugly. And they are in their 30s, 40s, sometimes even their 50s! You’d think they’d be too old and ugly to be in that line of work.

Now I make no pretenses about my sex life, I’m a virgin who is desperate to get laid. But there’s no way in hell I’d have sex with any of these women, even if they paid me to have sex with them I still wouldn’t do it.

I’m strongly opposed to the laws outlawing prostitution in 49 of our states and wish for their repeal, and normally I’m opposed to publicly humiliating anyone who has merely been arrested and not tried and convicted… but when I look at these photos it just seems hard to believe what I’m seeing here. Are they really releasing all the photos, or just the really ugly ones to try to make prostitution seem less appealing?

No, I suspect that’s an accurate picture of what prostitution is really like.

Actually, of the photos on the page you linked, Vanette is the only one who I’d call “really ugly.” The others aren’t beauty queens but they aren’t exactly the dog’s dinner either.

And good on the St Paul police for providing the community the valuable service of knowing that Frogtown is the place to go for prostitutes.

I say this in humor only, but perhaps the cops let the good looking ones go for special favors, and only arrest those they don’t like the looks of. Or perhaps it is just human nature to let the good looking people get away with things normal or ugly people would get busted for in an instance. The latter is certainly something my life’s experience makes me infer.

I dunno how big St. Paul is, but since prostitution is illegal there, I’d say there’s your reason right there.

I happen to live in a city known for its legal prostitution, and well, it works as any capitalist market. Quality for the same buck will win. You wouldn’t catch these women behind the red light windows in Amsterdam, but in St. Paul, if they’re the only ones… know what I’m saying?

So, as to Marley23’s response, I’d say: depends on where you are. :slight_smile:

Yeah, I’ve seen the prostitutes where you are. The ones I remember are more attractive than these women, but I don’t find that surprising.

Dayum. Not that I expected to see Miss Universe contestants, but still. I’d date Palmala for the evening before dancing the nasty with any of those women. :eek:

FWIW, I’m with you on the decriminalising of prostitution. Mandatory health checks, condom use, heck-let them join a union if they like. It will never go away, no matter what law enforcement does.

It’s a nice idea, but the legalising of prostitution in NZ has been pretty disastrous. It was previously illegal, but everyone knew it mostly took place in the massage parlours, which the cops turned a blind eye to {unless drugs or underage girls were involved} and less so on the street: it was pretty controlled where it was, because the possibility of being busted kept the parlours in line.

Now that it’s legal, brothels have to comply with the same zoning and health and safety issues as any other business: local councils, spurred on by nimby ratepayers, mostly issued restrictive bylaws about where brothels couldn’t operate - within 200 metres of churches or schools, that kind of thing - which is pretty much everywhere, so a lot of brothels were faced with either closing down or fighting expensive legal appeals for zoning dispensation.

The original idea was that legalising brothels would allow for safer sex and protection of the prostitutes, but the reverse has happened: with a lot of the parlours shut, ironically for being unable to comply with the consequences of the laws that were supposedly to allow the sex trade to be regulated and protected, the trade was either driven into private houses or apartments, where no-one can control drugs or health issues, or out onto the street - with the same consequences for drugs and safe sex, and a proliferation of underage streetwalkers.

My drive to work used to take me through some pretty bad areas, and based on alot of the “working” girls I used to see I would say that hard living catches up with you.

That said, I have met some women who work in the higher end “escort” area, and they tend to be more attractive that the average street girl - with the exception of the underage ones, that they couldn’t show pics for anyway.

I agree with the decriminalization of prostitution if only to maybe get some of the underage ones off the street.

I agree.

So the only reason it’s gone bad is because it’s been effectively banned by overly restrictive zoning laws? That doesn’t seem like a very good argument against legalization.

Holy shit! I think Lisa starred in Gormenghast

My nephew reports he and a chum were in a bar on the stinky side of town and chum was offered a ‘gummer’ at reasonable cost.* Nice to see the toothless finding ways to make a living :eek:

*in that neighborhood, ‘reasonable’ = current cost of a dose of heroin.

For the love of God, in what context did he decide to discuss this with his Aunt?

The point of legalizing it was to control it and make it it less dangerous. Legalization hasn’t accomplished that, it seems. Prositution hasn’t gone away, it’s just gotten less safe than when it was illegal and tolerated. That’s why Case is saying it’s not good.

I took Blalron’s word for it that the St. Paul prostitutes are less than perfectly attractive. But before I drew any conclusions, I decided to take a look at St. Paul’s female clergy: http://www.stmatthewsmn.org/People/

Hmmm. Perhaps there’s some other force at work here?

Seriously, though, why would you expect a woman whose employment prospects were so bad at 20 that she chose prostitution to significantly improve her resume over the next two decades of degradation and pain? Prostitutes don’t suddenly become realtors when their wrinkles get to be a certain depth. That only happens to local TV news co-anchors.

I commute to work along Detroit’s infamous 8 Mile Road, and most of the prostitutes you see are pretty nasty. Look up “skanky” in the dictionary and you’ll find a picture of one of these girls. It’s probably just my imagination, but I think I can see the viruses crawling around on them :eek:

Seriously, however, the cute ones mostly work in strip clubs, or for escort agencies. The girls that work the street corner are the ones that didn’t make the cut at Bernie’s Booby Bar.

I notice a lot of those arrests were made in Frogtown. I spent a couple of years working in Frogtown. There’s a lot of crack whores there. They’re basically selling quickie blowjobs for crack money. I guess some guys don’t mind who they get a hummer from. Personally, I don’t think I could ever get that desperate

Are you kidding? They were at the junkie bar drinking with his friend’s mom. (hey, if anyone’s going to keep the boys safe from the Gummer Whores, it’s a 50 year old drunk Glaswegian gal. Of course, she was the one who took them there).

Mostly, I think he told me just so I’d have the chance to work the phrase ‘Gummer Whore’ into conversation.

Oh, man, no kidding. While I was working in Budapest, our newspaper did a story on the prostitution there and we had to drive up and down the 19th District or something to surreptitiously take pictures of some streetwalkers.

Now, I come from Chicago, so I know what to expect from hookers that work the street, and the pics Blalron linked to is a pretty representative sample. You wouldn’t screw 'em with another man’s dick, as the saying goes.

Budapest streetwalkers, though. Holy crap. On this trucking route, there must’ve been about 30-40 hookers in overcoats and G-strings flogging their wares to the passing traffic. And they were all smoking hot. I somehow felt like a country bumpkin on his first trip to the big city. This was truly eye-opening. And, lord, at $20-$50 a pop, it was mighty tempting, I must say. Mighty tempting. When in Rome, and all that…

We’ve got some real doozies here on the South Side, and yeah, Diceman’s right, i mean these chicks aren’t the cream of life’s crop here, especially if they’re not too scared to be on the stroll in plain view, that there’s real live desperation under glass. I’m a horny bugger, but it will NEVER get that bad. <shudder>