What's wrong with Democrats?

It’s hard to compete when:

a) You generally try to play by the rules, and:

b) You’re using “Factoring in estimated hysteresis, the planet’s average temperature is poised to rise by 3*C over the next ten years” against their:

  • They’re turning this country socialist, like Venezuela
  • They’re giving this country over to illegals and brown people
  • They’re going to ban your guns and your religion
  • They’re teaching your children to be ashamed of their race, their heterosexuality, and their ethnicity
  • They’re forcing The Ghay Agenda on your kids
  • They’re turning your cities into war-torn cesspools
  • Your children are utterly not safe in Librul 'Murica
  • You won’t be able to buy a 17 ounce fountain drink
  • We’ll all be forced to eat nothing but kale. An In-n-Out Double Double will be a Felony
  • They’re using Agenda 21 to force us all to live in cramped barracks and drive Smart cars
  • Bill Gates is going to inject a chip into your @$$. Big Brother will own you
  • You’ll pay 105% of your income in taxes
  • You’ll have to marry interracial, have LGBTQ kids, and get an abortion. You’ll just have to
  • They want us to bend over for Putin and Xi
  • We’ll all be buying Teslas for non-English speaking Welfare recipients

And I really could go on and on.

They’re evil, but they’re generally not stupid.

If Democrats need to reach people who are vulnerable to this kind of marketing effort, I really don’t know how they could. Whatever other qualities that cohort has, it will be hard to bypass these lizard-brain, existential issues to talk intelligently to them about the reality of “their economic interests.”