What's your biggest grocery bill?

Yes, I know I need to get out more often, but today, after pushing the domestic envelope a little too long ( like two weeks of stretching the supplies.) went grocery shopping.

Shopping for three food eating people and one infant,it was the highest bill yet for me: $259.00

Mind you I didn’t even have formula, and only bought one child a mega-colassal pack of diapers. And purchased one Welcome new Baby gift and birthday present for a 3 year old.

Since I charged it, I will be taking a vacation one day on the frequent flyer miles earned.

I guess I shop a lot (nearly daily) because I’m retired, and like the grocery’s fresh doughnuts, but my biggest bill for this year so far is under $50.

Safeway gave me a coupon for $10 off when I spent $50, so I bought extra that day, but after the coupon, it was still under $50.

I’ve spent over $500 on a single shopping trip for a family of five. We did a lot of bulk buying though and only shopped once a month except for things like milk and vegetables and stuff.