What's Your Blues Name?

Strainin’ Myopia Jolly

Lactatin’ Brown Betty.
Drippin’ Chancre Jones
Musin’ Mucous Murphy
Usin’ Cold Fusion

I can’t use any of these. My first name isn’t Betty and my last name isn’t Jones, Murphy or Fusion. I could change it for my art, though.

I guess “The Dice Man” is available again, right?
Haven’t heard that one in a few years.

Revvin’ Sneezy YosemiteBabe.

Or something.

Oh hell.

Shriekin’ Schizophrenic Erin

Swellin’ Pyometra Wegweiser.


This is why Jews don’t do blues. :slight_smile:


Ruttinin’ cornflakes Blue

Cornflakes are soul food. Really.

We need a CGI generator for this.

Stinkin’ Leprous Doll

Gigglin’ Hemmorrhoids Cynical

Hmmmmm…I like the sound of that.

Sue Jo is a natural Blues name.
Perhaps a simple last name.
How’s Sue Jo Williams ?
Or Sue Jo Ashton ?

Deaf Willie McSpoke

Here goes:

Cloggin’ Atherosclerosis Williamson

Under-Developin’ PKU Williamson

Acidizin’ Oxygen Debt Williamson

Or the inbred:

Will Willy Willie William Williams Williamson

Nice ring to it.

Always thought if I were a blues singer I’d call myself “Blind Lemon Pledge.”

A rap star? Since I’m Jewish (by birth), I thought “Iceberg.”

Bleedin’ Scabies Tyson

With a name like that is it any wonder I’ve got the blues?

Signifyin’ “Biscuits 'n Gravy” WiseDaddy-d-luxalicious

and his:

Bluesasaurus Rex


Jumpin’ from the train an’ hockin’ washtubs Gunter


The Snortin’ Plasma Tud-e-loo’s

Opening Act:
Hitler and the Nine Planets

(a Jackin’ the Wack Attack Jeter production)

Shovelin’ “Grits” T
Lurkin’ “Carpal Tunnel” T
Integratin’ “Migraine” T

My last name is far too German to be bluesy.

I don’t think I could get a blues name.
Bald people aren’t allowed onto the stage, are they?
Perhaps if I got an oversized hat and a fiddle-violin?

Tootlin’ Male-Pattern-Bladness Batty

Crochetin’ Epileptic Lamb.

Hm. Seeing as how I crochet, and I do have epilepsy, I thought that would work. Guess not.

My husband, on the other hand, is a blues musician, and has a blues name. Not like these, of course. His is “Tragedy.” A former bandmate gave it to him at a time when my husband was going through a rough patch. My husband liked it. Now most of his friends & fellow musicians call him “Trag.” He already had a stage last name, because Lamb just didn’t work well in the blues field. So now he’s “Tragedy James.” Got a nice ring to it, I think. :smiley:

Ummm… Eddie ‘Clean Head’ Vinson?

Yusef Lateef?

Go for it, Oncle!