What's Your Favorite Candy Bar?

Surprised no one likes 3 Musketeers. I seem to remember they were right up there w/ Snickers, Milky Way, Reese’s, Milky Way & M&Ms, when you’d go through your Halloween candy to assess your haul (after tossing the apples!).

A Hershey Special Dark with almonds.

Zero used to be my favorite candy bar. When I was in grad school, there was a vending machine next to the lab I worked in, and it had Zero bars. It kind of became a joke in my department because I always seemed to have one (hey, it had all the food groups, if you count sugar as 4 of them), and a friend gave me a case of them for my birthday. Man, I got so sick of those suckers, I don’t think I can even look at another one.

Almond Joy, on the other hand . . . I don’t know how you could ever get tired of those.


Then you probably don’t want to hear about how incredibly good the dark chocolate Coffee Crisp is. :smiley:

Anything with marzipan!
Barring that, Symphony with almond and toffee chips, Reeces peanut butter cups, Heath bars

I would have said Krackel bar (the Hershey knock-off of the Nestle’s Crunch - I prefer Hershey chocolate though)… but the other day I had a miniature, and it tasted like wax. I’ve heard that Hershey is reformulating the “chocolate” used in a couple of its bars to use hydrogenated vegetable oil - I guess Krackel is one of them. I feel betrayed :mad:.

“Candy bar”, is that a particular type of bar, or any chocolate bar at all?

If the latter, I do have a hankering for a Wispa, a legendary bubbly chocolate bar that is dipped in tea for maximum effect :smiley:

Hmm…I’ve seen those but never tried to figure out what they were. Now I am intrigued!

Mounds (childhood fave)
Milky Way Midnight (soft and melty, please)
Junior Mints (best candy ever)
New Reese’s Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup

On a cruise ship once, I had a dark chocolate/caramel deal that I think was made by Cadbury but I’ve never seen it since. Too bad, because it was divine.

3 musketeers. It’s not particularly tasty, but in Korean, we call it “sam saddam” (the three men) which has a catchy ring to it.

I like the big hunk myself, but i’ve lost enough fillings to it.

Normally I’d say a Snickers right out of the freezer, with a big glass of milk, but you know what I literally JUST finished, like a minute ago? ---- a Chick-o-Stick! Holy cow. I haven’t had one in probably 20 years. I just saw them at a drug store on the way home from work and grabbed a couple of them. Now I have to try to stay away from the other one for a reasonable amount of time, and it will be tough to do.

I like a Snickers, prefer an Aero if I can find one, and, though I love a bit of peanut butter with razor thin slices of candy within them, Chick-o-Stick sulfites its teeny bit of coconut, and therefore tries to kill me.