What's your favorite deadly sin?

1 Lust
2 Sloth
3 Envy
4 Wrath
5 Greed
6 Pride
7 Gluttony

Again, I don’t think gluttony fits if you eat in moderation. Unfortunately, envy is distressingly near the top of my list. Greed is so far down because I’m usually envious of non-material things, acceptance being the big one. :frowning:

And lust is not a sin. :cool:

Except you’ll be angry afterwards. Or maybe you like angry sex.

I just have to put a plug here for Lore Sjoberg’s take on this subject. :slight_smile:

Lust, lust, gluttony, lust.


Lust, lust, gluttony, lust.


Lust, lust, gluttony, lust.


(Who has time or energy for the others?)

Funny I was just thinking about this…

  1. Sloth
  2. Gluttony
  3. Lust
  4. Envy
  5. Greed
  6. Wrath
  7. Pride

Of course, after indulging the first three, I don’t have much time or energy to get to the rest!

Gluttony has me in a death grip.

Wrath, pride, and to a lesser extent, greed, also have claws in there.

You mean I have to pick just one?


Somehow i don’t understand how lust and sloth always seem to come together they seem so opposite.

I’m with you.

Gluttony, thus
Sloth…and then I wonder why I have such a hard time getting my
**Lust ** fix. That leads to
**Envy ** for those useless Mo Fos that hang out in the gym and get all the chicks, but I can’t admit it to myself because of my
Pride. So I get depressed and I want to eat, or drive real fast, but I can’t afford a fast car or another pizza, so I start wishing I had all the money, thereby giving in to my
Greed. Which is unrequited, like my lust, which boils over into
I’m like this with everything. I’d kinda like a pizza right now in fact…this will not end well.

  1. Lust
  2. Lust
  3. Lust
  4. Lust
  5. Lust
  6. Lust
  7. Lust
  8. Lust

… there’s only seven? Damn.

I like sloth. It’s fun, I can do it for months without getting tired, and it doesn’t hurt anyone but myself. Hooray for sloth!

Having said that, I think I’m going to go have a nap.

[url=http://quiz.ivillage.co.uk/uk_relationships/tests/Sinners.htm]Here’s a quiz
that will “tell” you which is your top Deadly Sin. It was dead on for me:

  1. Sloth
  2. Wrath (the Internet allows me to indulge the top 2 simultaneously!)
  3. Gluttony
  4. Pride
  5. Greed
  6. Lust
  7. Envy

I think this list indicates that I’m not getting out enough these days.

It might be useful to review what the Perfect Master has to say on the subject of the Seven Deadlies. He says, in part,

Emphasis mine.

I take this to mean that the Catholic Church doesn’t honestly believe you’re going to go to hell for pigging out at a steakhouse and then dropping dead during the after-dinner brandy, before your next confession. One extravagant debauch does not a glutton make, it’s more in the attitude; if you utterly live for food and drink to the exclusion of other considerations you might be a glutton, but not if you just happen to have a hearty meal.

But in the spirit in which this thread was presumably intended, here are my votes:

Lust and gluttony tied for first place.
Sloth somewhere behind in second.

Most of the other sins aren’t worth it.

Sloth definitely, no question, says the guy who got up at 2 this afternoon.

As for the others, do we mean “favorite” as in the ones we enjoy the most, or the ones we’re most guilty of? Sloth is still my answer in either case, but the breakdown changes for all the others:

Guilty: envy, pride, gluttony, lust, greed, wrath
Enjoy: gluttony, lust, pride, greed, wrath, envy

I could be wrong but it looks like people who have chosen gluttony over Lust, has done so over a wide margin. Meaning that if they chose gluttony then Lust is almost sure not to be next.

People who chose lust don’t seem all that concerned with gluttony.

Whats all this mean? I have no idea but that so many people chose LUST makes this a world more worth living in for me.

thank you

  1. Lust - Definitely numero uno. Regretfully I have had pitifully few, um, “romantic encounters”. But lust in and of itself? Even unrequited? Definitely.

  2. Sloth - I love being lazy. Sleeping late is an art form unto itself. At work I prefer to term it efficiency, or “constructive laziness” (Ref. *The Man Who Was Too Lazy To Fail by R. A. Heinlein)

  3. Gluttony - I love food. Way too much. Always have. I’m now battling the bulge, fairly successfully, but I think about food so often, and enjoy it so much, that I’d have to be in denial not to put Gluttony in my top three sins.

  4. Wrath - I don’t indulge in wrath very often. I’m usually not very vocal about things that make me mad. But I love to imagine elaborate revenge scenarios full of wrath and smiting.

  5. Pride - I probably don’t have enough pride (self-esteem issues), but I think in general pride in yourself is a good thing. And pride in others is fantastic. As long as you aren’t an ass about it.

  6. Greed and 7. Envy - probably the least admirable of the sins.