What's Your Favorite Hangover Food?

If you’re doing it right, you made yourself puke your guts out before you went to bed (if they weren’t volunteering already), and then puked again when you woke up if that wasn’t enough. Then you go on to a meal of McDonald’s largest burger, large fries, and full sugar Coke. Nothing else seemed to work to get my system right again after a night of way too much alcohol. Then I got old and got hangovers after two beers, so I stopped drinking. I’ll leave all y’all my hangover remedy, though. :smiley:


Not that I endorse such shenanigans, but a big joint is (bar none) the best cure for a hangover. It takes away the nausea, the body aches, and promotes the appetite (hmmm…I bet cancer patients struggling with the side effects of chemo could use such a remedy. I think I’ll suggest this solution to my local congressman!).
After that, any local fast food joint will do for the next-day meal.

For me, nothing beats a giant glass of water, a vitamin, and a banana, followed by a bleary-eyed trudge to the IHOP across the street for a giant greasy omelet and short stack.

(om nom nom nom nom)

Ya know, bein’ Amurrkin and all I’ve never had Poutine, but it has always intrigued me… I’m thinkin’ if I had been Canadian in my younger drinkin’ til all hours of the night, I bet Pountine would have been my answer to the Waffle House cure I mentioned earlier. It sounds just bad enough to compete with that. :smiley:
Seriously, I’d love to try Pountine just once. How can fries, cheese and gravy, as wholesome as they are, be bad for you in any way, after all.

Never heard of poutine before. Looks great.

glass of milk, bag of chips (ie french fries) from a local chipper, bottle of tonic water. Shazam! I’m fine.

Take out the mushrooms and add white pudding and you have yourself a deal.

Also, brown bread with real butter and some hash browns on the side.

Bacon has to be the non-American kind!

For a really, really bad hangover, the only food I can keep down is popsicles. I’ll eat 15 to 20 throughout the day.

The Pantry. Open Always. Find your own damn link, I’m drunk…

Waffle House - Burt’s Chili and a grilled cheese sandwich.

Soup or Asian food.

I’m with **missred **, Ogre and LiveOnAPlane–Waffle House is the way to go. My meal of choice is cheese grits, toast, bacon and coffee.

In an ideal world?

A big mug of milky tea and an Ulster fry minus the soda.

Ulster fry: bacon (smoked back/Canadian bacon, not streaky/American, not unsmoked), fried eggs, tomatos, mushrooms, sausages, black pudding, white pudding, potato bread and soda bread.

Followed by my dad’s Sunday roast lunch.
Roast lamb with garlic and rosemary/roast pork with apple sauce/roast chicken with thyme/roast beef with french mustard or horseradish
served with: roast potatoes, carrot and parsnip mash, baby french turnips, roast onions and brown gravy.

mmmmm…so yummy.

Most times, I’ll take Irn Bru or Lucozade, Solpadol (codeine+ paracetamol= a really nice painkiller) and a bucket.

Everybody that said milk or OJ… what? Both those guarantee me horrible stomach cramps until I vomit my guts out for 40 minutes. OJ’s worse I think.

I usually go with some soup and crackers.

Heh, heh. A man after my own heart!

Yeah, hair of the dog is usually the way I go. Bloodies are best, as champagne, even decent stuff, is way too sweet. No mimosas for me either, baby. Forget the damn orange juice; that healthy crap’ll kill you.

Pepperoni pizza or ridiculously rare bacon cheeseburger.

Around my office, having blue Gatorade on your desk is the unspoken signal to the other twenty-somethings that you’re sporting a hangover. And that you should thus be messed with.

It would depend on how much of a binge we had been on (I was in a fraternity and we managed to stay drunk for days on end at certain points - looking back it was extremely dangerous and stupid).

If we were starting to burn out and just needed to get something solid on the stomach - hit the greasy spoon. Steak and eggs, hash browns, toast, orange juice. The coffee can wait, because this is just to tied me over while I sleep for the next day or so.

Wake up feeling bad and need to gear up for more festivities starting that day? Get good and toasted before hitting the dining hall - then eat everything in sight washed down by liberal helpings of any caffienated soda. Back to the house for more smoke and assorted stimulants - OK, we’re now ready for the social activities to begin properly.

Wake up and feel like you’re just short of dying (usually associated with tequilla - I’ve had some hallucinatory hangovers after too much tequilla)? No food is the only option. You’re just going to see it again in about 5 minutes. Just lay there in misery and swear you’ll never do it again.

If it’s a really bad one, I go with ginger ale, fruit (watermelon is the best) and broth. That usually gets me to the point that I can eat other things.

If it’s just feeling crappy, I go with a breakfast burrito, made with hash browns, bacon, cheese, and hot sauce.

Yep. That’s the point. :wink:

Ugh! Luckily I haven’t done that since college graduation!