What's your secret power?

racinchikki, I did the math and it averaged out to 95mph. You’re making my brain hurt. Stop it.

I think I may be the successor to Mrs Todd… when I start finding bits of strange animals in my grille, I’ll be afraid.

This does give me hope that I’ll be able to make the 427-mile drive from the MissiState campus to Gunny’s place, come summer, in under 4 hours.

You’re going to Gun’s house? Awww.


I can sleep on the bed without knocking my stuffies onto the floor…sometimes.

I always carry plenty of #2 pencils.

I possess the power to read/digest/fully understand a Stephen King book of average length (read: 300-700 pages) within a week or so.

My head is bigger than the rest of my body combined, my eyes are way out of proportion to the rest of my facial features, and a little tear shaped drop of water appears on my left cheek whenever I’m tired/sad/emotionally spent. Oh yeah, and I have blue purple hair…go figure!

I can also sometimes predict radio songs.

invisibility, people always knock\bump\crash into me and then say " oh sorry, didn’t see you there."

Cool, so can I :slight_smile: And, like msrobyn, I can read things that are upside-down/backwards. And I can make that little drop sound with my mouth and flip my eyelids inside out and touch my thumb to my wrist and do that thing where you rub your tummy and pat your head at the same time.

I can WRITE backwards and upside down. Ain’t that cool?

Hey, Uni! Me, too! Love to sign greeting cards that way, or petitions, or any other chance to perplex people.

Not only can I belch on command, but I can easily form words during a good one! My favorite one is to say “burp” when burping, and when giving nasty looks, to belch out “excuse me.”

Uniball said, of my moderator secret powers:

OK, you just keep that in mind the next time one of your messages mysteriously changes to say, “Hi, I’m a moron!”


I discovered another weird one. When it gets cold, my nipples harden! I think I should be recruited by the X-Men…I hear something. Is that Wolverine at my door? :slight_smile:
Maybe I can get them to turn to ice if its cold enough and I concentrate hard enough…

[sub]That ought to get their attention[/sub]…

I can get all the gear into and out of the “Soccer Wagon” in no time. I’ve done it enough, lord knows.

That’s all you can do with your power? How lame…

I can develop 5 o’clock shadow the moment I finish shaving.

Yeppers. Here’s another question to Cecilia: “Why it’s called FIVE o’clock shadow?”

I can write with my toes. Not always legibly, but I do a fantastic job when I’ve been drinking. :slight_smile:

I am also an excellent flosser, and I have the ability to run down the escalatpr to the subway in 10.5 seconds when leaving work. That is a talent that took me about 3 days to develop.

My secret power is particularly annoying. When parallel parking, I can make the size of the parking space shrink! That’s right, shrink.

As soon as I pull off to put the car in another, presumably larger, space and walk by the other space, I see it’s back to it’s original size (i.e. large enough to park a Mack truck therein).

I haven’t figured out how to harness this power for good, though.

I can melt Ice cubes just by looking at them.

My secret mutant powers are bafflement (non sequitars, american surrealism, disinformation and Wackosity™) coupled with a keen fashion sense.

Dr. Pinky, accordianist to the Discordians

I can open and close my eustachian tubes without swallowing or yawning. It’s a big hit at parties.

I also have the uncanny ability to remain asleep even though a loud, repetitive beeping noise is going off right next to my ear. Fifteen minutes late this morning :frowning:

I have the uncanny ability to tell whether or not the toilet seat will be freezing before sitting on it.