What's your St Patty's Day plans?

So, what’s everyone’s plans for tonite?

for me, my weekend life is my daughter whom I pick up tonite, so there’s no going out on drunken binges, hitting on every lady with a pulse. That I reserver for lesser nights.

So in short, it’s a night of Spongebob, Pizza and Monopoly for me.

I would like to propose for all you dopers out there who are staying at home tonite, how about logging on to the SDMB for a St. Patty’s Day Online Doperfest. How about it?

I’ll buy the drinks.

I quit smoking on Tuesday, so bar-hopping is out, this year.

We have dispensation to eat corned beef and cabbage, but I made that Wednesday, and have had it every day since. Frankly, I’m a little sick of it.

My wife bought catfish the other day that she was going to broil. I started off thinking about hush puppies, convincing her to pick up some corn meal and malt vinegar when she gets off work. After about 10 more minutes of thinking about it, I was able to talk her into a fish-fry. I got her to add french fries and cole slaw to the shopping list.

She’s going to brew up some sweet tea and when I get home, I’ll get the fryer ready to go while she spreads newspaper on the table.

Then I’m going to take over the living room with an NCAA game on the TV and one on the computer.

I’ll probably have SDMB up, as long as you’re buying drinks.

I listened to Tom Lehrer’s Irish Ballad and will have a shot of Bailey’s before bedtime. Irish enough for ya? :stuck_out_tongue:

I will be remembering my sister. Jan would have been fifty today.

The corned beef is in the crockpot, and I have read the story of St. Patrick to the kids, and they have colored their Irish flags. My folks are coming over for dinner tonight. No liquor is involved in our family-style St. Patrick’s Day. :slight_smile:

I see your night is going to be as exciting as mine!

Your line about the CB&C made me initially think you were across the pond, however you redeemed yourself as a True Sotherner with the catfish fish fry.

Me, I’m a Philly boy transplanted to Florida, so it’s NYC pizza for us tonite.

Be looking for you online tonite after Kid’s bedtime.

I was going to start on the six-pack of beer in the fridge, but the boyfriend called and I have to drive a few times today. So the beer waits for this evening, along with the obligatory shot of irish whiskey.

Same as every Friday: poker at 4pm, followed by dinner out with some of the other players. I had a Guinness today at lunch (had to!), and more beer-drinking will accompany both the poker and the dinner.

If things wrap up on the early side I’ll almost definitely be back to the SDMB … though with luck, I’ll be in no condition to type. :smiley:

Working until midnight. Oh, yay.

The customers: “Ahahahaha today’s Saint Patrick’s Day shouldn’t you be out celebrating ahahahahaha!”

Urge… to kill… rising…

Kitchen party tonight with drinks and Dropkick Murphy’s on the stereo.

That’ll probably last until 11 or so, then I’m heading to Ceili’s or Henry’s for a couple of hours and then home.

No, I’m all Yankee. My maternal grandfather was Louisiana Cajun, so I’m Honorary Southerner.

A friend just called and wants to go out – so dinner (at the Irish pub, if we can get reservations, which seems doubtful) and a movie.

I never watched the original Dr. Who so tonight I’ll be watching the premier of the new series.

All you Dopers who’ll be going out tonight, have fun and be careful.

I spent the morning at the Cardiologist, getting a treadmill test done.


Trying to find a group of friends including someone willing to be DD, and someone over 21. We may be young and stupid, we’re not suicidal.

Everything ok there?

I will be behind the bar tonight assisting the main bartender.

I’ve been progressively losing my voice over the last couple days, so calling back his draught beer orders and communicating with patrons in a noisy, crowded bar should prove interesting.

I will be taking my roommate out to dinner early–she’s got a blood test tomorrow and isn’t allowed to eat or drink after 8 p.m., so we have to get it over with right after work. And then we’re going shopping for a little while, during which time I expect to buy clothes I don’t need and maybe some impractical shoes. Probably home by 8:30, at which time I, at least, will have some whiskey and maybe a Guinness, if I feel like stopping by the liquor store. Then I’ll probably watch a movie. I almost wish I was the bar-hopping kind–there’s always somebody willing to buy a redhead a drink today. :slight_smile:

I have a thing for redheads. I’ll buy you a drink

Mr. Bunny put the corned beef in the crock pot on his lunch, as soon as I leave work I’m headed to the grocery store to pick up the remaining items, then home to start cooking. I go a little nuts over holiday cooking; we should have enough to feed an army by about 8 tonight. The boy is picking up makings for black and tans and perhaps a bottle of Tullamoredew (sp?), and also the beer manager of the liquor store who happens to be a good friend of ours and who couldn’t resist the offer of corned beef and cabbage. A couple other friends have said they might stop by. We’ll have Pogues and Flogging Molly on the stereo all night and at some point Mr. Bunny will break out his fiddle and play us some songs.

St. Patrick’s Day is a happy occasion in the Bunny household.