What's your temperment?

Another troublesome tribble checking in. Maybe that explains why I’m so damned conciliatory and always looking for common ground. I thought it was because I’ve always been surrounded by fighting people and yelling gives me a bellyache.

I redid the test and looked up the words I didnt know instead of just clicking on one of the options :wink:

I am an Idealist/teacher now
The Idealist sounds pretty much like me - but the teacher thing… puhleaz!!!
I read through the other idealists and I think the Champions seem pretty much like me.

Molly Brown is so cool… I d love to really be in her category…

Rationalist FieldMarshall. Most of the descriptions fit fairly well.

I have always thought as myself as more of an idealist and many tests I have taken have placed me in the category of teacher or counsellor.

Maybe I am changing as I approach middle age?

For me it’s Rational : NT, Mastermind : INTJ.

I don’t know if that’s good or bad.

Rational/Architect : INTP

Didn’t do it this time (the test) but I’m always an ENTP. I think the descriptor is something like “innovator.”

Rational NT

Funny, I always come up Mean Motor-Scooter/Bad Go-Getter.

Psychology. What else?

Another INFP Idealist/Healer checkin’ in… I score the same every time I take this test.

INFP like so many others here, the interesting thing is that I see a lot of the same people scoring the same as me on all the various personality tests.

eNFp, Idealist/Champion. I too have taken the Keirsey Temperment as well as the Myers-Briggs several times over a span of years and always come out with the same type.

What’s it all about, Alfie? I dunno, but in many ways the profile fits me to a T.

Anybody else out there ever attended a Bell Leadership Course?

97 degrees F (perfect for ovulation apparently)

I wonder if people with our temperament type are more likely than others to find personality tests interesting. Hmmmm… that may explain all the iNFp posters. :slight_smile:

I’m another Idealist/Healer…

Anybody else feel that they’re screwed up? That it takes an effort to be in the same reality that everybody else seems to naturally plod along in, unquestioningly?

I was surprised at how dead on that test was.

Another (eNFp) Idealist/Champion.

What career does that suggest? I’m afraid to ask . . .