I don’t understand the Whedon obsessives either.Especially the ones who endlessly bang on about what an ‘adventurous’ and ‘courageous’ writer he is because he occasionally squeezes out the odd Buffy episode with an extra gimmick or two. The guy writes one note, one dimensional fluff that can only afford to be experimental because it’s one note, one dimensional fluff and no-one gives a shit.
To all my inevitable detractors I have 6 small words, arranged in two sentences. Alien Resurrection. Now go fuck yourselves.
It is true that one has to be careful about altered text within quote tags. My understanding of our quote rules is that any changes within quote tags have to be clearly labeled. Some unlabeled quote alterations have also been allowed when they are obviously not original quotes, although the burden of sufficient obviousness is on the person altering quote tags, so I would recommend erring on the side of caution there. For example, posts like this have been allowed:
whereas a post like this might draw a warning (presuming it’s a misquote, of course):
Hope that helps. If you still feel the rules on quoting are unclear or unfair, I’d be happy to discuss it further in another thread.
I’m a Buffy fan, but haven’t seen Angel and have seen an ep of Firefly and didn’t really care. But unless I’m wildly misinterpreting the OP (and even sven’s post), it’s not “People who like Joss Whedon’s stuff are idiotic assholes who are fuckin’ CULT MEMBERS who can’t think for themselves!”
It’s talking about those who are too freaking obsessed. The ones who have counterparts in all fandoms, like the guy who memorizes his baseball team’s stats for the past 40 years and insists on talking to you about baseball even though you’ve said you’re not interested. The scrapbooking fanatic who talks about vellum and stamping and acid free paper even though you have no interest, because, as they insist, it really is ever so interesting, and so I’ll keep blabbing on about it because eventually you’ll agree with me!
And can anyone here actually say that sending hate mail to someone who gave a good review of their highly anticipated movie is NOT complete idiocy? Those are the people being pitted here, not people who say, “God, I LOVE Joss Whedon’s stuff!” and watch and talk to other fans but don’t harass others who feel differently.
One thing that struck me in that post: “They were angry that I pointed out that critics generally didn’t like that show.”
What? The critical response to the show was overwhelmingly positive. Now I’m starting to wonder about the actual nature and qauntity of the “hate mail” this guy received.
Well, I’ll go out on a limb and say the Buffy-bot and puppet-Angel were stupid. The bot was stupid, because even a genius can’t make robots that life-like, and the puppet… well, it’s a damn puppet. This is not to say I wasn’t entertained by these stupid things. But to deny that there isn’t stupid elements to them is kinda silly.
I don’t care for Whedon one way or the other. Firefly was the only thing I saw by him that didn’t suck… and I felt no urge to rearrange my schedule to watch that either. If someone gives me the box set of Firefly, I’d probably watch them all eventually, and I’ll may see Serenity on DVD eventually too… or not.
Fuck if i know. I recognize he’s had some stinkers (*Alien Resurrection pops immediately to mind, as does the episode of Angel that centered on whatshername, the bimbo secretary in W&H), but the Buffybot and the Muppet Angel were comedy gold.
I’m indifferent to the bot, but I thought the puppet episode was hilarious. Especially Fred squeeing over Angel’s hair.
Some Firefly fans are unable to let go. Especiallly when I mention that I liked Buffy and loved Angel, they won’t stand for me not having an interest in Firefly. Those people are annoying.
But if you think that fans of Buffy or Angel should just roll over and agree with you when your tastes differ, then you are the annoying one.
Heh. We tend to suspend disbelief to a certain level, but there’s limits. Sort of reminds me of a Far Side cartoon where a man mosquito is coming home from work, and Gary Larson got a bunch of mail pointing out that it’s the female that goes out and sucks blood. The mosquito wearing a business suit and hat, living in a house, talking, etc, was no problem, but dammit the male doesn’t suck blood!
Some people’s habit of blowing off complaints or criticisms with “oh, that’s just Joss,” really pisses me off. There’s a part in the movie (if you’ve seen it, you know what I’m talking about) that I really didn’t like. My friends attending with me (all big whedon fans), are all, “Oh, that’s standard Joss. He just does stuff like that.” WTF? That is not a valid response to criticism. I’m sorry, but he’s not so special that anything he does is great just for the simple fact that he thought it up.