Wheel of Time final book(s) question

I know that there aren’t a lot of Robert Jordan fans on this board, but has anyone heard that Brandon Sanderson has been tapped to finish the series, and that they are talking about having 3 more books to complete it (Jordan had said that this would be the final book)? Also, I heard a rumor that the first of these books might be released in November…true?

I’m simply asking questions here…no need to tell me how much you dislike the series, find it dull or stupid or whatever. Thanks, in advance. :wink:


Yep, here is the author blogging about it. On one hand I’m of course a tad irritated that it’ll be another 3 years at least until this series is finished. On the other hand I’d probably be even more pissed if they just shoved everything into one book and wrapped it up without tieing up all the loose ends. On the gripping hand, I suspect that even though RJ said that he’d finish the main story in this last book, he hadn’t intended to resolve every single issue. Thereby leaving room for some follow-on books to flesh things out. There was just too much to do in one reasonable volume.

Yeah, I couldn’t see how he could possibly resolve even most of the loose ends in one final book…there seemed to be a lot of story left after the last book. I’m actually glad they aren’t going to try and shove it all together in one mammoth last volume.

Thanks for the link!


Here’s a press release, including a mention of an upcoming movie. I hope Hollywood actresses are practicing their skirt-twitching.

I’m going to make my fortune supplying and installing fake ponytails for the actress playing Nynaeve. I figure she’ll tug one out of head at least 60 times a day.

There are already taking reservations at my local Walden books for the first one. I’m not sure I believe it will come out in November based on how Jordan always delayed his release dates by at least 6 months so I haven’t made one yet.

Jordan did say in at least one interview that he intended to leave some plot lines unfinished to make the world seem like it was still alive at the end of the series. Though even with that i’d agree it probably couldn’t be done in one book. At least not without being written with a drastically different style then the rest of the series.

Yikes. Given that he’s capable of writing almost 5,000 words about how many words he has to write, I suspect the decision to divide the book into three was taken on health and safety grounds. Wouldn’t want someone getting crushed to death by their copy.

I’m sorry, but there is no story imaginable that a talented writer writing in a clear and concise manner can’t finish off in the context of a 1,000 page novel. The decision to drag WoT out for another three volumes is purely commercial.

Eh, the problem with the WoT series (or the best part, depending on how you look at it) has always been that it’s more like a dozen stories - a sort of weave (see what I did there?). Sure, you could finish them all in one book, but it might not be satisfying (and I say that as someone who hasn’t bothered to pick up the last couple books, so I don’t even know how many more characters Jordan had going by the end). I’m willing to give him the benefit of the doubt - I wouldn’t want a ‘Rocks fall. Everyone dies’ ending for the WoT.

And a “Something Positive” reference for the win!

Not to mention crossing their arms under their breasts.

Yes, that was evil. Because now I’m imagining Davan as Rand al’Thor, Jason as Perrin, Aubrey as Nynaeve and Peejee as Egwene.

Just remember “These are not free range boobies”.

I’m feeling hopeful, as I’ve enjoyed everything by Brandon Sanderson that I’ve read, and he seems to have his head screwed on straight as far as the WoT is concerned.

Nov. 3 is the seemingly-firm release date for the first of the 3 final books.

I’m quietly optimistic…I think it’s actually a good sign that the ending is going to be broken into 3 books instead of one last mammoth volume. I also have enjoyed previous stories by Brandon Sanderson as well.

Finally, I’m encouraged by all of the hair tugging and arm crossing comments in this thread. What that means for me is that I should be able to get my copy quickly and painlessly, since no one else seems to enjoy this story as much as I have. :stuck_out_tongue:


Oh, don’t mistake my griping as a sign that I’m not still Robert Jordan’s grave-bitch. I’ll be buying them as they come out.

According to his blog, the decision to do that was primarily made by Sanderson, and he is writing the three novels under the contract and at the agreed-on price originally set for a single final novel. So, evidently not.

This is, to me, a sign that a) Jordan had more story notes than Moses, and b) Sanderson actually cares enough about doing the Jordan proud and writing a quality wrap-up to the series to actually do 3 times the work for the same compensation.

Definitely. I take it as a VERY good sign. I think Jordan knew he was dying, and I think he was trying to cram all of the story into one last book so he could get it done before he died. Reading the last few books I couldn’t see how it was possible to finish off the story in a final book…even a final book of the size of some of Jordan’s earlier works.