Wasn’t all that long ago when conventional wisdom, and airline recommendation, was to be cautious about luggage with wheels, especially when they were totally exposed. Now I see luggage from major manufacturers with several exposed wheels that allow for the luggage to roll vertical as well as tilted. What’s changed? Have the wheels been improved to the extent the baggage handlers can’t trash them?
…the baggage handlers probably won’t trash them?
Fixed that for you.
I’m convinced that baggage handlers could break the sun if they ever got their hands on it, but I believe your guess to be true.
Better wheels mean less breakage so the design has moved in that direction.
I’m guessing that it’s more like the folks who purchase luggage prefer luggage with wheels - and prefer luggage with four wheels over luggage with two wheels.
I personally am willing to have to purchase luggage a bit more often (because of broken wheels) if the luggage that I purchase is easier to lug around airports.
After all, if durability was the only issue I’d cart all of my stuff around in a steel box.
Probably not. I carry a good part of my photo gear (tripods, light stands, compact lights and junk) in a steel clamshell case. Heavy, hard to tote even with multiple spring-out handles, latches tend to catch on things. Also has to go to the special scanning line (at least, I did in Dusseldorf - loaded it along with giant roadie cases, golf club sets, etc.)
It always makes the airport folks nervous. But then, it IS a surplus guided-missile case.
How is a bag with broken wheels any worse than a bag that never had wheels to begin with?
I was sad because my bag’s wheels were broken; then I met a man who’s bag had no wheels.
Reasonably frequent flyer here…
I never heard that conventional wisdom. Wheels cost space, esp for carry on bags, but the overwhelming choice I’ve seen is for wheels on nearly everything, including duffels. It’s very odd to see people lugging around non-wheeled bags.
In recent years, 4 wheels are popular because they let a bag be pushed in a vertical position instead of having to be pulled. On hard floors, this puts all the weight on the ground, and significantly increases maneuverability. Most of those 4 wheel designs have the wheels on pivots.
Wheels and other stuff break all the time, although quality makes a difference as does rough handling over curbs and what not. I don’t think ordinary baggage handling by the airport is tough on wheels, per se…I get about a year or two out of a carry on (say, 80-120 flights/yr), and have never actually tried to cash in on a Lifetime Warranty. There is always a newer and better and lighter design.
The low profile plastic wheels are less painful…
The old fashion of metal wheels on metal mounts was the problem situation… a broken wheel and you’ve got a sharp knife on your bag.
And the risk of having a broken wheel ? well the bag is relatively cheaper… what % of your weekly income is it ?
It’s heavier.
It has less internal space.
It’s less comfortable to carry.
It carries further out from your body, so it feels even heavier.
I didn’t know those wheels ever broke, seeing as how they typically do most of their rolling along the smooth floors of airport concourses.