When are The Magnetic Fields going to put out a new album?!

Okay, Stephin Merrit. I’ve been good since 1999. I dutifully listened to 69 Love Songs until the CDs got so scratchy that I couldn’t play them anymore, and then I went and bought a new set. I almost wore out my second copy of The Wayward Bus / Distant Plastic Trees. I listened to your interview on NPR’s Fresh Air. I bought albums by The 6ths, and the Future Bible Heroes. I even bought one of the Lemony Snicket books on CD just so I could hear one of your Gothic Archies songs (I bought Coraline on audio, too, but that was just becase it came out before the hardback). So when are you going to release a new Magnetic Fields album?!

I mean, I’ve done good things for you. I’ve bought everything you’ve ever released, I think, and I’ve forced friends, neighbors, relatives, and sometimes nearly complete strangers to sit down and listen to your music and most of them went out and bought your albums, thus providing you with income. So, the way I see it, now it’s time for you to give something back to me. I want a Magnetic Fields album, and I don’t want to wait until “the early months of 2004” as your website says.

Damn it.

I too am a Stephin Merrit completist (my last mix disc was titled “Do You Think It’s Dangerous?” and I’ve seen hime live like 7 times), and I impatiently await his next spasm of brilliance.