I remember when I was a kid, I’d go see different friends and meet different people who were doing well financially and the parents looked pleasant, Happy and ‘normal.’ Talking with them was fun, the women looked womanly, the men looked kind. There were the exceptions, but they were few.
One day, as an adult, I turned around and noticed a big change in people. Those who are doing well now have this ‘look’ that I do not like. Their facial expressions are all the same – grim, solemn, businesslike. The men all seem to get this styled hair, they don’t look jolly anymore and they seem to have this cut throat attitude one used to see in big bankers of years ago. Their eyes tend to be serious and cold as if looking at you to determine if you are going to try to screw them in a bad business deal, slap them with a lawsuit, or seeing if you are impressed with their ‘business savvy.’
I call the look their ‘business face.’
The women are the same, only they act much less womanly, seem much harder and tend to wear expensive, casual clothing, have short hair and power suits and act like you are an employee of theirs instead of a friend. The impression I get is that they have money and you had better acknowledge that they are hardened business people and better watch out. In talking with such people, they tend to not be very sympathetic or tolerant of people who are in a lower economic factor, like years ago.
Most of these people tend to talk in absolutes, like there is no alternate to their opinions or decisions and they seem to be much more businesslike and possession oriented. I’ve seen older women out weeding their flower gardens in steel rimmed glasses, styled short hair, expensive gardening clothing, and instead of the ‘grandmotherly’ attitude when I talk to them, I get the ‘older executive’ impression.
Am I just the only one who has observed this? I started spotting it when the age of the yuppies began but now, it seems all over. Even the old grandfather-like guys I used to spot tooling around in older, well kept cars are now wearing what I like to think of as ‘political hair’ (you know that over puffed, over combed look) and the looks on their faces do not encourage kids to sit by them and listen to stories of the ‘good old days’ but impress one that they would feel more comfortable talking about stocks and bonds and firing employees and saying things like ‘if he won’t do the job, fire his ass and get someone who will for less money’.
For the older, portly men, gone are the button down shirts, with sleeves rolled up, the loose tie, even suspenders and the relaxed look. Now they wear pull over golf shirts, Gucci pants, trainers, steel rimmed executive glasses (those used to be seen mainly on doctors), and they always look like they are spoiling for a fight.
Is it just me? I don’t think so.
What? Me worry?’