It’s a custom to douse the head coach of a football team with the Gatorade cooler after winning a big game.
Who was the first team to do this?
I’m thinking the Giants sometime in the 80’s.
It’s a custom to douse the head coach of a football team with the Gatorade cooler after winning a big game.
Who was the first team to do this?
I’m thinking the Giants sometime in the 80’s.
I recall Harry Carson doing it to Bill Parcells when they were both with the Giants.
That may have just been the first time it was seen on TV. It’s likely some high school kids did it, but no one was ever paying attention.
I always thought is was a college team.Hope someone knows, that same question flashed thru my head yesterday after watching another drenching.
But from that site
So when ** was ** the first victory onfield shower by any liquid?
Y’all are probably right about the Gatorade…but I could swear I remember Dick Vermeil getting soaked in a Dallas v. Eagles game in about 1979-80. The Eagles had upset the Cowboys and he (Vermeil) got a watercan poured on him. I don’t recall that their was any Gatorade in it though.
The incident y’all are referring to, I remember as well. Folks kinda freaked about the Gatorade. Anyway, the memory is not perfect but I think that’s right. I’ll see what I can find if anything as a cite.
IIRC Carson looked around for awhile (instant replay) trying to find a can with water in it but finally decided to hell with it and used the Gatorade before he missed his chance.
No luck yet with the search…
Titan2 I must’ve missed the reference you quoted. I knew I’d seen it before '85. I practically quit watching sports after then, yet I can recall several times when the coach got doused. I guess the fact that Gatorade (and other power drinks) are “recently” on the sidelines instead of, or in addition to water, naturally restricts the OP.
The oldest example I ran across of public dousing in sports was in the 1920’s and baseball.