When did we convert to Discourse?

I’m genuinely worried about my brain. I was thinking we’ve been using Discourse for only a few months, but it turns out to be a solid year. Why don’t I remember what I was doing the second half of 2020? Was there a software update that changed how I navigated the board? I was mostly using an Android tablet back then. Is the interface different?

For the record, I haven’t had a drink in two or three years.

We switched in June of 2020 (around the 20th or so IIRC). It took a few days before we came back up.

There have been some software updates to Discourse since then, but nothing that would have a major impact on the look and feel of pages or how you navigate around.

There was this little disruption called a “pandemic”, that fried all of our brains to some extent.

Yeah, I knew it was around when @Jenny died, which is how I got my estimate.

That was the first half of 2020 for me, but all manner of food still smells or tastes funny. Today some sweet potatoes tasted fishy.

Sweet potatoes are a species of fish. I thought you knew.

As I show in this and other threads, while {what I think I know} ∩ {what I actually know} is not Ø, it ain’t big.

Practically the first time I’ve used Set Theory since Fifth Grade, during the New Math Scare of the mid-60s, but I was prepared to scare off the Russkies.

They aren’t, but yams are part of the anguillidae family and are a form of freshwater eel. (It’s a common mistake, I understand.)

If it’s any comfort, I was sure we switched around Thanksgiving. I also cannot believe it’s been a year. Which means it’s been a year since Tuba Diva died. :slightly_frowning_face: That does not seem possible. Last year is a messed-up, chronologically scrambled blur.

I’ve been over at the International Sceptics board tonight. The old interface and threads about Bigfoot.

Bloody software won’t let me link.

I found a workaround.