When did you first get a cell phone?

My first phone was an analogue Nokia 101 in the early nineties. I got it when various family members were ill. I even had a number in the 600 area code, which was a Canada-only thing where the caller paid extra to access a mobile phone, like in Europe.

I actually found the phone during the last move, but the battery and charger were gone. Even if they were around, the phone would be useless, because they switched off the analogue cellphone networks years ago.

Don’t be too sure about that. A number of the payphones here have SMS keyboards, and it costs 10c to send a text. If there’s an SMS to web gateway, and the SDMB is set up to receive short posts, it might be possible. The gateway could read the website back.

  1. I had an elderly car and payphones were disappearing at a rapid clip.