When do you turn your heat on?

[Hijack]Kalhoun, we should get together for lunch sometime! I’m near you I think. :smiley: [/Hijack]

We’ve already had ours on - just to take the chill off then we shut it down and haven’t had it back on yet. With gas prices and the expected rise, we’re pretty scared. We’ve just finished paying off LAST winter’s bill.

The Best Winter Ever was the year we lived above a woman who kept her thermostat turned all the way up. She was quite up front about wanting her apartment at 85 or warmer if she could manage it. We had to keep our thermostat really low that winter because otherwise our apartment was uncomfortably hot. Saved a lot of money that year.

Yeah - I noticed that too. We may give in. Or at least take the AC unit out of the bedroom window to cut off that subtle breeze.

Double whammy - not only was the temperature lower than the daytime minimum specified by the Mass state sanitary code, but the landlord must provide facilities to heat all rooms between September 16 and June 14. It’s been Mass state law for decades. If you ever move back to Mass and are a renter, have a copy of this book: Legal Tactics.

I think the date method of turning the heat on and off is just a form of denial.
“It’s only October, it can’t be winter yet, I refuse to turn the heat on!”

Yup, I’m in denial.

Not to say that if an ice storm went through tonight that I wouldn’t crank it up.

I usually turn it on when it gets cold, but this year I’m trying to wait until November because of the increase in natural gas prices. We have a gas heat pump. Fortunately, my house is fantastic about staying warm in the winter and cool in the summer, except for one room. Unfortunately, that one room is my computer room, where thanks to y’all being so damned entertaining, I spend most of my time.

One of my housemates turned the heat on while I was in class today, and I almost went crazy on him when I got home. Silly people from warm climes. No reason to turn the heat on until a sweater or a blanket won’t suffice!

<grumbles about it having been 80 about a week and a half ago>

I’m going to try to go this winter. I managed the last two years but we had an amazingly insulated apartment. This new on has a large wall-to-wall-floor-to-ceiling window. We’ll see how it goes.

When I get up in the morning, if it’s less than 67 degrees Farenheit in the house, the heat is definitely going on. That’s been happening for the last 2 weeks or so.

We always turn the heat way down, or off, before we go to bed.

When it starts getting down into the 30s at night. Right now, we only have the heat turned on downstairs. It’ll be awhile before we turn on the heat upstairs. I kind of like going into a cold bedroom and crawling under a pile of covers.
Now, wearing a jacket is another issue entirely. I refuse to wear a winter coat in October, unless there’s snow on the ground (or I’m going to be outside for more than an hour).

I hear ya. I’ll be in my fall jacket 'til the last possible day. I can often make it to January.

What’s with this masochistic streak we Yankees seem to have?

Meh. I want the place at 65 during the day, and I turn the furnace off at night until it gets so cold that the house goes below 50.

Does it save any money to turn the furnace off at night?

That’s a very good question. I doubt if anyone would point and laugh and call me a pussy. I’m not going to risk finding out for sure, though.

Not until the kids come home for Christmas, I hope. Of course living in the Bay Area makes it easier. Our bedroom doesn’t have central heat (it’s in an addition) so we can turn on the wall heater for a few minutes. My wife works at home, but her office has a space heater also. It doesn’t really get cold until late at night, when no one is in the centrally heated areas anyway.

We hope to save a bundle on gas bills this way.

I turned mine on over the weekend. Temps were in the low 60s, but I was in my living room wearing long pants, a sweatshirt, and two pairs of socks and I was still cold: that’s when I knew it was time to turn on the heat pump. It’s only set at 70, but those few degrees made a big difference.

Same here. :slight_smile:

I’m in west central Indiana and it’s not been cold here yet. At least not what I consider cold. We’ve got a frost advisory for tonight, and the temperature is supposed to drop into the mid 30’s. I haven’t turned on the furnace yet, nor will I, until it gets COLD cold. My husband will be home tonight (OTR truck driver=rarely home during the week), and he’ll probably mention that he’s a tad bit cool by morning. Our daughter has been sitting around, wrapped in a comforter AND a fuzzy throw. She’s NOT the cool weather type at all. Babies. :rolleyes:

I might add that I’m in the throes of menopause…one freakin’ hotflash after another. I DARE ANYONE to turn on that Og-forsaken furnace. If they do, I swear to Og, I won’t be responsible for what happens to them! :mad:

If they get cold, there is a NICE supply of brand new fuzzy, warm socks, sweats and cute, flannel sleep pants, which I purchased just yesterday, exactly for this sort of event. Put the fuckin’ things on and I do NOT want to hear ANY bitchin’ about ANYONE being cold!

Ok…that’s selfish. I realize that.
I just cannot handle heat right now. Simple as that.

Who is Og??? I guess it is a way of swearing as not to incur God’s wrath.

Anyway back to the OP

I set the thermo at 45F as a emergency setting. I really try to hold out till Nov 1st, but I have used space heaters (like in the bathroom in the middle of the night) once in a while.

Heh, no. There was a poster around here who used to try to witness a lot, and instead of typing “of God” he would often type quickly “og God”. It’s turned into a catch-phrase.

I live in college housing, so my heat is already on, since we don’t have to pay for it ourselves. :smiley: It can be a little wonky, though–usually when I wake up in the morning it’s either freezing or ridiculously warm.

Last winter, I lived in an apartment above a converted garage. Really poor insulation. I still only needed heat (space heater) for about a month. This winter, I’m in a house with, presumably, decent insulation. We may not turn it on at all.

I lose. Damn. :o

Of course, it wasn’t for me, it was for the cats…