When does morning sickness start?

My sister has been pregnant and has three kids. NONE of her urine tests were positive. Just be careful!

Yep, I got a false negative once. Turned out to be my oldest daughter.

If your period hasn’t started in two or three days, either try it again or go to the doctor for a blood test.

Of course, you really might not be pregnant. You could have just eaten something that didn’t agree with you. Or, maybe your period is just being stubborn and not showing up (that’s happened to me also). But you do want to at least find out what’s going on, because if you’re actually pregnant but think that you’re just sick with something else, and start taking medications, there’s an outside chance that the meds could cause a miscarriage (that too has happened to me).

Keep us updated!

I thought those OTC pregnancy tests were supposed to be really accurate nowadays. :confused:

I missed my period by 1 day and took a test and it came out positive… this happened to me twice. (One with each kid) The HCG levels in your body get accelerated very quickly when you’re pregnant so by the time you’re 1-2 days late starting you’re period, a home test should show up positive. They’ve always worked for me anyways! It’s probably just different for everyone.

Anyway… you could always wait a couple of days and take another one. If you take 3 or 4 of them and they come back negative… you’re probably not pregnant. Keep us posted!

Some women never produce very much of the pregnancy hormone, it varies by woman. Like I said, it is most concentrated in the first urine of the day, so that is the most ideal time to test.

The tests are very accurate, in that a false positives almost never happens. False negatives are way, way more common.

Just wanted to emphasize this, not so much for Blue Twylight as for any young women who might be reading. It’s amazing the things all of us don’t know about these things!

Rachelle: They are. They really are. I read in a book (I believe that it was The Girlfirend’s Guide To Pregnancy) That the rule nowadays is “a positive is a positive is a positive, and a negative is a maybe, but probably not.”

The false negative that I got was 12 years ago, when you had to use first morning urine, plus stand on your head while peeing, and fast and pray for a week before, then spin your partner 'round and 'round, do-si-do. The ones today you can use approximately three minutes after a missed period, and your next-door-neighbor’s pee will work just fine. Dontcha just love technology? :smiley:

I bought a two-pack pregnancy test when I did it. The first one came up negative. The second came up positive, but barely - turns out I was doing it too early, and there wasn’t enough of the hormone in my system to register yet.

Wait a few days, and if you still aren’t sure, do it again.

Okay, can I hate you now? :slight_smile:

I was at the other end of the spectrum with my last two pregnancies. The nausea with the first two kids wasn’t too bad and they both weighed over 7 pounds. The last two kids, however, was a constant puke fest from about two weeks after conception up until the day of their births. In fact, with my daughter, I puked on the OB doctor as I was giving birth. Of course, I was really stressed out during those last two pregnancies, which I’m sure contributed a great deal to it.

The hormone that causes morning sickness is HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) HCG is excreted by the embryonic cells and signals the uterus to not slough off its lining and have a period as it does every month in order to prevent the pregnacy from being lost. It is this rising HCG level that causes nausea to increase daily until it levels off. HCG is excreted in the urine and is what causes a positive pregancy test.

The levels of HCG increase for about 2 months and decline to nearly nil by about 4 months. This is why most morning sickness disappears by about 4 months.

Estrogen and progesterone levels continue to increase for the duration of the pregnancy but they do not contribute to nausea.

If you had a period 3 weeks ago, and conceived at about 14 days after, that would make you just aboout 1 week along. Soon enough to feel sick but posssibley not far enough along to produce a positive prenancy test.

Wait one week and try the test again.



I felt fine Sunday morning, but I was a bit queasy during the day. Today I woke up starving, but without nausea. I’ll give it another week, and then take another test. If I’m not pregnant, I’m positive I’ll be late this month anyway :::rolleyes:::…like for spite.
Thanks for the support everyone :slight_smile:

Blue, do you ever get like this during PMS? With me, I sometimes do have the alternating queasy/hungry thing. It can be strange, but it’s happened to me often enough that I recognize it as PMS.

I’d also recommend that you keep track of how you feel this week. Write it down if it helps. It may help to determine if you’re pregnant (just in case you happen to really be getting false negatives on the home tests), or if there’s something else wrong that you might need to see a doctor about.

Shadowfox: Don’t hate me because I didn’t get morning sickness. Save that for the day when I tell you about the labor & delivery. :smiley:

Forgive me for getting personal, Blue, but how do your boobs feel? Are they growning, but the rest of you is staying the same? Preganancy boobs are kind of like PMS boobs, but it’s more of a “full” feeling, than just hurting. Although they do hurt, too.

Also, being extrememly tired is another sign of pregnancy.

Oooh, I hate you too! Three hours of just the pushing I went through, three hours! They finally had to vacuum the little sucker out. Poor little pointed head baby.

Oh no, you can hate me for my labor and delivery stories. First delivery = labor 3.5 hours total.
Third delivery = labor 4 hours total
Fourth delivery = labor 35 minutes total!

Notice I left out the second delivery. My second child was the one who didn’t want to come out. I was already two weeks overdue, so they decided to induce my labor. I ended up being in labor for approximately 30 hours.

about 5:15 a.m.
Or possibly 6:00.
I was fortunate enough to not have ANY morning sickness while pregnant.
But I’ve heard that crackers and iced tea help.

Here I was muttering “bitch” until I saw the 2nd delivery. I’ve only had one kid, but that’s what mine was like. The kid was born 36 hours AFTER I was admitted to the hospital. I was laboring before that, too.

Oops, bad stuff to post to a possible pregnancy thread.

I think morning sickness starts the day after the male finds out. If it was an unplanned thing, and he was not prepared for and had not planned on being a father yet, if at all, then he is going to get sick every morning when he awakens.
Then he will look down at his morning wood and say “Bad Boy, Bad Boy”.
If your talking about the woman, it starts soon after she gets pregnant.

Persephone, you made a good point about PMS. I was on the pill for years until just recently, so it might be PMS. While I was on the pill, I never really got PMS, so it might just be raging hormones, finally free to do as they please after years of restraint.
Tater, IMHO, my boobs feel fine :wink:
Seriously, I’m not noticing any discomfort or pain.

Blue: Well, we might be on to something here. If you’re not pregnant, it could very well be that your body is just changing, getting used to being pill-free. Isn’t the reproductive system a riot?

Shadowfox: Looking at your times, no, you can’t hate me. Ours were startlingly similar. My first one was a 24 hour job, but the pain didn’t happen until they gave me pitocyn. After they gave me that happy little shot, she was out in about four hours, nearly all of it pushing. Ow. My 3 year old was 5 hours, from first pain to feet out (20 minutes after they broke my water), and my son was about three hours from the first pain, about 15 minutes after they broke my water. He was born at 8:24 on a Saturday night. I didn’t even ruin the doctor’s evening. So I guess you do have to hate me for not having morning sickness. :smiley:

To echo what Personope said about your body adjusting to non-oral pill stuff. After the birth of my second child, I was put on Micronor. I had ever side effect from it and, maaan, it blew chunks. I took myself off after two months and had a month of mildly annoying headaches.

Other than that, Blue, you could have Cholera or Kuru or maggots infesting your intestinal tract. I’m really surprised our resident hypochondriac ( but in a good way) Tatertot (of " Name my disease Thread" from awhile ago) didn’t offer a more keen insight into your malady :slight_smile:
PS - I never had morning sickness.