When is a war criminal not a war criminal?

Anyways, before our ardent neurotikky can flaunt his lack of reading comprehension/honesty by again claiming I’m an apologist for Morel I might as well sum things up and then go on my merry way.

If Israeli law does not view Morel’s actions as genocide or war crimes, then Poland needs to go to the Hague. I do not trust Poland’s motivations entirely, I believe that there is a large political angle to this, and I feel that this is worth noting although I have, of course, never said it absolves Morel of guilt. Nuances are funny that way.
And law, while good, can also be a royal bitch. Sometimes technicalities can get in the way of justice. If the allegations are true, I’d support having Morel charged in the Hague, and if convicted, sentenced to whatever punishment the court should hand down.

If you refer to the International Criminal Court, that court is not competent for crimes committed before 1 July 2002.

Actually, instead of the ICC I was refering to the ICJ, which I believe should be able to prosecute violations of international law (eg. the Geneva Convention).

When they are Communists.

Morel is just another Communist. Israel chooses to sully herself sheltering this thug…