When is Christ coming back?

What you wouldn’t want to be with your family when Christ returns? BTW it’s noon Mountain Time

Its actually going to be on Hannuka, Jerusalem time.

He called and said he’s running a little late. I dunno…6? 6:30?

From 66-70 AD/CE, Judea was in upheaval through internal strife and Roman attack. According to Josephus and the Talmud, various strange incidents around the Temple (lights, gates opening, voices of warning) indicated that destructive judgement was coming. Josephus even notes the appearance of celestial armies in the skies. It climaxed with the destruction of the Temple, and with it the Priestly
Sacrificial system laid out in the Mosaic Covenant, in 70 AD/CE. As Christ had foretold, that aion had ended within a generation, with the New Covenant aion
breaking forth throughout the nations.

There is a fringe view that these events completely fulfilled the Second Coming/Last Judgement prophecies. I can’t buy into that but I certainly hold that the cataclysm of 70 AD/CE has much greater significance than Christendom generally realizes.

Shortly. He’s having coffee with Godot.

Tell him to bring the wine.

Jesus was back to my house a couple of weeks ago to rake my leaves. He’s a very hard worker, even though he didn’t speak much English.

Eastern or Central Standard Time?

He says, no problem, just have plenty of water on hand.


Been there
done that! :eek:

mswas, so Christ will be back Dec 25, 2005 at noon (Mountain time) and the apocalypse is Dec 21, 2012. What makes you so sure?

Proof? Cite? Anything?

Expect a Pit on the day after - when you WILL be wrong.

Anyway, the return of Christ is irrelevant. On July 5, in the year 20[cough], “Bob” will arise in power and glory, backed up by the Stark Fist of Alien Space God Jehovah-1 and the Saucer Men from Planet X! Revelation X Apocrypha 10 Even the Fightin’ Jesus will get his sweet ass handed to 'im if he tries to go up against the Xists! :smiley:

BS! July 5, 98 was supposed to be the day. No backpedalling. We don’t buy it anymore. :stuck_out_tongue:

Its been 2000 years, I don’t think he is coming back. Even if he did come back I doubt anyone would really know it.

Did his resurrection after 3 days count as his second coming?

The Dec 21 2012 is a reference to the Mayan calendar which stops on Dec 21 2012.


Right, but why would that imply that the apocalypse would occur then?

I understand there are many theories as to why the calendar would end on that day, but it could also mean nothing…

As I see it,if the world ends like the Bible says, the stars will fall etc. Then no one could live on our planet as it would be destroyed. So if Jesus comes again there won’t be any people on earth.


In this age of technology, there is a way of keeping any eye on these sorts of things.

This website has thoughtfully focused a webcam on the Jerusalem’s Golden Gate, through which he is supposed to re-enter the city, as it is the closest to the Mount of Olives where (according to Zechariah 14:4-5) he is supposed to touch down.

So, bookmark that page, visit often and report back when anything unusual is spotted.
