When is SCOTUS due to rule on the latest gay marriage issue?

There was a gay marriage issue that came before SCOTUS back in April. When are they due to deliver a ruling on it?

There is no fixed schedule. It will be sometime this month (June, 2015), and they often save the “big” rulings until the end of the month.

The only “due date” is the last day of the term, which is typically the last day of June.


If you want to “follow along” with the Court, this website is a very good resource.

The SCOTUS website schedule indicates that it will only release opinions on Mondays for the remainer of the term. So some Monday in June we should see the SSM ruling.

most likely it will be the 29th. Small chance of 6/22 or 6/15.

I am pretty sure last year during the last week they issued rulings not just on Monday but I guess that’s not the case this year.

If they’re going to do that, I believe it won’t be announced until the end of the previous sitting. So if there are going to be rulings on Wednesday, we’d find out from John Roberts right after the court issues its rulings on Monday.

But it can’t be Monday because the judge said the date would be a surprise, and we’re all expecting Monday!

Is there any reason the Court waits until the last day for the “big” cases? It’s not like this is a movie or TV show where you don’t want the audience to leave early. Why wouldn’t the big decisions come trickling in just like the boring cases?

I don’t know. It just seems like that is way they do it. Could it be that the “biggest” cases need the most time allotted to them to get all the concurrences and dissents written?

That’s basically it. Sometimes the justices try until the last minute to get colleagues to change their minds–something that does occasionally happen. Plus sometimes half-written opinions are re-written to take into account changes on the other side.

Sometimes in controversial cases, the justices have trouble assembling a majority on either side.

Bear in mind as well that there are two high-profile decisions due this month; in addition to the gay marriage decision (Obergefell v. Hodges), SCOTUS is also due to rule on a critical part of Obamacare (king v. Burwell).

That’s just what they want us to think…

only 1 decision released today and that’s it for this week. They have 20 left and 3 weeks to go so they likely will also meet on Tues or Wed of the last week.

The Court has added a session for Thursday June 18 at 10am EDT to release of opinion(s). There could be other such additions as there are still a lot of opinions forthcoming.

No telling with certainty which opinion(s) will be released on which day, though generally opinions on more controversial cases get released later rather than sooner.

Have they no respect for June weddings!?!?

It’s not just college students that wait until the last minute to get things done.

Scalia hears knocking on his office door.
“Come in.”
Clarence Thomas pops his head in.
“Hey, Tony - hey, could you help a brother out and-”
“Oh, come on, Thomas. Don’t tell me you haven’t written your opinion yet?!”
“I’m sorry, man. You know, with the new season of “Game of Thrones”, I haven’t gotten around to it. This will be the last time, I swear.”
“Sure. That’s what you said with the Hobby Lobby case. Alright, come here and sit down beside me and let’s knock this thing out.”

What happens if a justice dies, is impeached/removed or resigns/retires between hearing the case and releasing the opinion?

As long as the justice has already voted, nothing. If the justice has not voted, the remaining eight justices will vote.

Which explains why they vote alike so often.