When is the women's page going up?

I just now tried to access the SD men’s page, and was told that it’s “temporarily offline”. It took me a few second to realize that that probably has something to do with Wally. Fair enough…but when is the women’s page going up?

The explanation I gathered from reading various threads was that some people stole pictures from the SDMEN page for their onw personal benefit or something, and as a result techchick68 took it down.

There was a thread going around I guess last week saying something to the effect of that techchick will let us know when the women’s page is up.

I heartily encourage those of you who submitted online pics to get them up by yourselves. This can be done with a scanner or by getting a free webpage :slight_smile:

Techie took down the pages because some thoroughly nasty individuals made her feel unappreciated. {{{{techchick}}}}

Must … see … Doper … women …

I mean, REALLY! The proper approach is as follows (Join in, guys! It may be our only hope):

[Kneels, placing both hands over his heart.]

[ul]“Oh, dear, sweet, kind and caring techchick68, hear our plea!”

“Do not let the crude, rude, and unrefined behavior of those we shall not speak of (except, of course, to plan their unpleasant, painful, bloody, and lingering demise) stay your creative hands and heart from fulfilling your destiny as She Who Brings Wisdom, and Understanding (not to mention Pictures Of Those We Post With) to light.”

“All hail techchick68, and death to her enemies!”[/ul]

Well, words to that effect, anyway.


I didn’t see anything about the pictures being used. What happened… who was it? Anyone use my pic? I need to defend my copyrights!