I’m looking more for a single incident, like Laci Peterson, as opposed to something like the DC sniper.
Ennis Cosby?
Serena and Venus William’s sister?
Or are you looking for an example without a famous relative? There were, I think last year, national reports about the case of a black child who was murdered. But it wasn’t nightly fodder for the major news outlets.
Is that what you are looking for? A case with a black victim that became the focus of the Gretas and the Larry Kings for weeks? And wasn’t OJ?
Whatever else O.J. might be, he wasn’t a victim of murder. And Nicole Brown Simpson was white.
good point. I was referring to the last case I could remember that primarily involved a black person and consumed the editorial shows.
But you’re right. OJ was anything but a victim.
The little girl that fell through the cracks of the Florida CPS.
Same with several left unprotected by New Jersey CPS.
The little girl hurt by her friend during rough play, whose cries for help were neglected by the friend’s mother.
Here’s an article you might find interesting that’s critical of the coverage when they’re not “young, cute and white enough”.
James Bird-the man who was dragged to death chained to a car in Texas?
The first person I thought of was Amadou Diallo, the black man shot by the NYPD 41 times. If you remember, it was after he answered the door to his apartment and then reached into his jacket for his wallet, which police mistook for a gun.
That was in 1999.
Are we trying to make a point here?
Michael Jordan’s father.
In March, 2004 (that is within the past month) Marcus Wesson was arrested for murdering nine members of his polygamous family. Six of the nine victims were believed to be Mr. Wesson’s children. As Mr. Wesson was black, presumably, his children were as well. This episode did create a public outcry and was featured on the national news for quite a while.
Click here For more information
This may be a little off color (pun intended) but I heard a joke which relates…
Fat kids never get kidnapped.
Sorry for the bump, but a number of questions were asked. As lieu suggested, I was interested in media coverage based on race and looks; thanks for the link, lieu. I really wasn’t interested in starting a debate, however. I was looking for a factual answer, which I think db4530 provided. All of your posts were helpful, though, as they reminded me of a number of incidents that I had forgotten. After reading the posts a number of times, maybe forgetting was a good thing. Anyhow, thanks to all.
How about July 24, 2003 when New York City Councillor was shot to death in City Hall?
Ironically, he was a staunch proponent of eliminating urban violence.
It’s been months since I’ve noticed anything about it, but there was a college basketball player from Texas(I think) murdered. As I recall, they had arrested a teammate, who apparently may have had some mental problems.
It was a pretty big story for quite a while as it took a long time to find the body. What’s happened in the case?
Last I heard was at the time of Dotson’s trial I think CNN had this. I never heard of a verdict so perhaps it wasn’t his trial merely his arrest.
Not exactly haw it happened. If it happened that way there would be several people in jail that are not now.
Ironically, because of course it’s rare to take such a controversial stand in the face of the many, many people out there who oppose eliminating urban violence?
The “wrestling murder”:
Tiffany Eunick, aged 6, killed by Lionel Tate, aged 12, while she was (supposedly) being babysat for by Mr. Tate’s mother, Kathleen Grosset-Tate. The case really only made headlines because Tate’s attorney attempted to defer blame for the death to professional wrestling: he claimed Tate was simply imitating professional wrestling moves and believed that since wrestling was fake, the girl wouldn’t be hurt.
More recently (as in last month), an unarmed black gentleman was shot dead by Seminole County (Fla.) officers while evading arrest (ie. running away). The shooting has been ruled a justifiable use of force; the verdict made CNN Headline News, but I didn’t see it reported anywhere else.
I think the irony was that he was killed. Not the views he held.
Believe me, the Amadou Diallo thing wasn’t still fresh in my mind 5 years later. Google is your friend. And I quote:
In February 1999, four New York City policemen searching for a rape suspect knocked on Amadou Diallo’s door to question him. When he came to the door he reached inside his jacket, at which point the officers shot at him 41 times, hitting him with 19 bullets. The object Diallo was reaching for turned out to be his wallet.
Sure sounds like I quoted right to me.