When you were a kid, what was your favourite film?

My favorite film then and now is Picnic at Hanging Rock. My father didn’t take us to very many kids movies.

My favorite movie as a kid was The Wizard of Oz.

I’m amazed at how many people loved Disney’s Robin Hood. It was one of my favorites too. I had a crush on that foxy Robin!

But my favorite movie, which I subjected my poor parents to over and over (and over), was Short Circuit. I loved when he attempted to make pancakes! I loved the Three Stooges scene! I loved, “No disassemble!”

Forbidden Planet

The Day the Earth Stood Still

The Thing From Another Planet

Planet of the Apes

West Side Story

Couldn’t narrow down to just one.

Major League

I had some animated films that were favorites before I was like 8, but once I got into baseball, I probably watched that movie 100+ times over a 2-3 year period. Drove my parents bonkers hearing it.
Now that I’m older, I realize I’m sure they were sick of that damn movie, but at least they knew I was entertained for the next 1 1/2 hours and not bugging them. :slight_smile:

Born in '62, and I was not a huge movie fan. When Star Wars hit in '77 I was bowled over. But it wasn’t until a year or two later that I saw my favorite movie, which is still my favorite movie, with 32 viewings: Casablanca. “Of all the gin joints in all the world, why did she have to walk into mine?” A perfect movie.

The Goonies

I was born in 1981, probably first saw it 1986 or so.

Dunno, as a kid I loved the idea of “scrappy band of (stereotypical) misfits has a grand adventure”

The film doesn’t hold up for me. It’s just not that good. But I do remember fondly how much I loved it as a kid.

Close mention - Spaceballs. I probably saw this, as a kid, a dozen and a half times. For at least two years, a sleepover at a friends house meant that a watching of Spaceballs was expected. Again, it doesn’t hold up. We thought Spaceballs was comedy gold when we were 9; seeing it as an adult there’s a few smiles but the whole thing is just corny.


I was a dour child. :cool:

ETA: Born in 79’

Born in '81:

Return of the Jedi, Gremlins, the Rankin & Bass animated version of The Hobbit.

Star Wars. Easy.

Jurassic Park and Star Wars, I think.

The Ten Commandments

I grew up at an Air Force base in Japan and, since there was no English language TV, the base theater show a different movie every night.

The theater was huge! Like one of those old movie palaces you read about.

Twice a year they’d show Ten Commandments for a week and the whole base would turn out. I’d sit in the first row and just be wowed by it.

One of my favorite childhood memories.

Police Academy.


‘‘Oooh, not on broccoli. Ohhhh, not on cauliflower.’’

I also had an inexplicable crush on Sgt. Eugene Tackleberry.

When I was real little, it was Willie Wonka. When I hit 10, it became Grease.

The Dark Crystal
The Black Hole
The Apple Dumpling Gang

I grew up with the UFo and radioactive monster movies. I liked Them, It came from Outerspace, When Worlds Collide, The Thing, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, War of the Worlds, Creature of the Black Lagoon and other movies like that. I still love them but I had no favorite.
My son wore out “the Blues Brothers”.

Born in '63.

2001: A Space Odyssey

I loved The Seven Faces of Dr. Lao, too!

When I was very young, I was enchanted, no, obsessed, by Sleeping Beauty, an often over looked Disney film.

When I was a little older, we were big fans of the Creature Features that used to be on TV, and I developed a lifelong love for anything science-fiction, but I digress…

I also loved Hayley Mills - The Parent Trap, Moonspinners, and The Trouble With Angels (which really should have been better, but is utterly charming and I still love to watch it to this day).

And when I was 11, they dropped us off at the Kallet Genesee Theater on a hot summer day and what did I behold in front of me in all its awesomeness but Lawrence of Arabia! I sat there, spellbound, through the whole thing and demanded to be taken back. Twice.

Flash Gordon, Real Genius, and Krull

HBO would play those movies over and over again, and I’d watch every showing. Is it any wonder I turned into a geek?

Also loved Clash of the Titans. I’ll be first in line to see the remake.

Star Wars
The Bad News Bears