Where Are The Beverly Hillbillies From?

Has anyone on this message board ever watched the TV show The Beverly Hillbillies? Many people have speculated where the Clampetts were from. The truth is that it is impossible to determine because the creators of the show were very lose with canon and the references to their home back in the hills are inconsistent and contradictory.

However, the truth has never impeded my endeavors in the past and I will not let it hinder me with this inquiry.

For the purposes of this thread, I am trying to determine the location of Jed’s land and cabin immediately prior to the discovery of oil and his move to Beverly Hills. Also, by Clampetts, I mean Jed Clampett, Ellie Mae Clampett, and Daisy Moses (Granny). Note that Jethro did not live with the Clampetts until after they moved to Beverly Hills. I am only interested in the original series. Movies, including made-for-TV movies, may have additional and/or contradictory information.

After some research, I have decided that this inquiry is like some kind of “thinking outside of the box” lateral thinking puzzle. I have a theory that I will post later, but I would like to see what the SDMB people think first. Having recently rewatched all 274 episodes of the Beverly Hillbillies I am now considered legally insane. This is what I came up with:


Season 1, Episode 1
1:20 NARRATOR: Let’s take them back to their home in the Ozarks and see how this whole thing started.
12:06 PEARL TO JED: You’re eight miles from your nearest neighbor.
12:40 PEARL TO JED: Remember that time your pa took us to Eureka Springs to see the moving picture?
** Season 1, Episode 2**
4:25 JED TO JETHRO: We drove clean over to Oxford so you could go to the same school your pa went to.
4:09 JETHRO TO JED: You wouldn’t know that town today Uncle Jed. … That town has growed and growed and spread out and built up and just kept getting bigger and bigger. Well today why I bet you there must be three or a dozen people living there.
4:25 JED TO JETHRO: A place like that is alright to visit but I wouldn’t want to live there.
4:46 JED TO MR. DRYSDALE: PEARL TO JED: You see, Jethro’s ma, that’s my cousin Pearl, married an Oxford man so naturally Jethro, well he went to school there.
Season 1, Episode 3
10:03 PEARL TO MR. BREWSTER: Why there ain’t a telephone within 40 miles of this place [Jed’s old cabin]. Nearest one I guess is at the International Emporium clean over to Oxford.
Season 1, Episode 6
15:22 PEARL TO MR. BRESTER: Then on Saturday I play the piano at the movie show over in Oxford.
17:48: JASPER DEPEW TO JETHRINE: … there’s a dance over in Hooterville.
23:38 JED TO TELEPHONE OPERATOR: I want to talk to Pearl Bodine back in Oxford.
Season 1, Episode 7
14:34 JED TO MISS JANE: Granny’s related on my wife’s side, the Moses family from Tennessee.
Season 1, Episode 8
8:13 JASPER DEPEW TO JETHRINE: I bought you something all the way from Eureka Springs.
Season 1, Episode 9
1:35 When I was a girls back in Tennessee, I set so many boy’s hearts on fire that they took to calling that neck of the woods the Smoky Mountains.
Season 1, Episode 11
2:55 JETHRINE TO PEARL: Well that’s where he’s [Jasper Depew] is taking me now, Perkins Point, there’s a barn dance there.
Season 1, Episode 12
5:34 GRANNY TO JED, JETHRO, AND ELLIE MAE: It takes my family to know how to feud. Why we drove the Botkins clean out of Napoleon, Tennessee.
Season 1, Episode 13
12:12 PEARL TO BESSIE [PEARL’S HORSE]: You can retire to pasture with that good looking race horse from Hot Springs.
Season 1, Episode 14
0:50 My grandpa chopped down the trees and built this [the cabin back home] all by hand.
Season 1, Episode 16
19:54 JED TO PEARL, GRANNY, ELLIE MAE, AND MISS JANE: … and listen to the kind of music that made the name of Bodine famous from Oxford to Eureka Springs.
Season 1, Episode 20
2:32 PEARL TO JED AND GRANNY: … [T]his letter is from Lester Flatt and Earl Scruggs.
2:33 GRANNY TO JED: Them two were always in love …
2:33 PEARL TO JED: … that was a long time ago before they moved to Nashville and became famous … I was just a girl and they were just boys …
Season 1, Episode 26
3:54 GRANNY TO MRS. DRYSDALE: Now back home we took our turn of corn to the grist mill at Catfish Creek.
Season 1, Episode 33
3:40 JED TO PEARL: Who’d Jethrine elope with?
3:40 PEARL TO ELLIE MAE: That drummer from Joplin, Jasper Depew. … Sent me a snapshot from Turnerville.
Season 2, Episode 5
17:19 JED TO WIDOW FENWICK: He [Duke] was born in Oxford.
Season 2, Episode 20
14:30 LETH CRICK TO LUKE (ON TELEPHONE): Is this Luke’s General Store over at Sibley?
Season 2, Episode 32
2:00 JED TO GRANNY: Besides, I don’t even recollect where Clampco is Do you Granny?
2:00 GRANNY TO JED: I think it’s down in Pike County, near Flat Rock.
7:40 MR. DRYSDALE TO JED: No, no. Clampco is right here in Beverly Hills.
7:40 JED TO GRANNY, JETHRO, AND ELLIE MAE: I reckon we’s a fine a gaggle of corporation executives as you would see in New York, Joplin, or any of those big cities.
Season 3, Episode 8
2:00 ELLIE MAE TO JED: Pa, there’s a telephone call for you all the way from Luke Short’s general store back home.
Season 3, Episode 16
3:31 GRANNY TO JED: Now, you remember Elverna’s daughter who married Al Ledbetter, the undertaker over at Ripley. … Al’s sister was in a beauty contest and the first prize was trip to Eureka Springs. … Al’s sister didn’t win but the girl that did told about a truck driver who picked up a hitchhiker who was a fry cook at Little Rock. … the flour mill at Springfield.
17:40 DASH RIPROCK TO MR. DRYLSDALE: You see, my aunt works in this flour mill in Springfield.
Season 3, Episode 33
9:50 GRANNY TO UNNAMED MOTORIST: Is it [Las Vegas] anywhere near Sibley? … Well, that’s just a hoot and a holler from Mincy. You know Mincy? … Oh sure you do. That’s where the river road cuts off to Bug Tussle. You ain’t never been to Bug Tussle? … Do you like fun and music and bright lights and excitement? … Then you go to Bug Tussle on a Saturday night. They don’t even blow out the lanterns until 9:00 or 9:30. … There’s a room in back of the feed store. They play checkers for money.
15:27 GRANNY TO JED (ON TELEPHONE): I’m in some crazy town called Las Vegas. I tell you Jed, this place makes Saturday night in Bug Tussle look like Sunday morning in Sibley.
Season 4, Episode 4
2:05 JED TO JETHRO: How far is it to this here West Indie[s]?
2:05 JETHRO TO JED: Oh, it’s way over yonder, clean on the other side of Kansas City.
Season 4, Episode 5
0:47 JED TO GRANNY AND JETHRO: We’re going to put it [Granny for possum queen sign] on the side of the truck as quick as we get to Sibley.
10:45 GRANNY TO MISS JANE: Miss Jane you’re going to have to go some to beat that blowout [Possum Day] back in Sibley.
11:16 GRANNY TO JED: I say let’s go back home to Sibley.
12:23 JED TO MR. DRLYSDALE: Look what it [Possum Day] did for Sibley.
13:24 GRANNY TO JETHRO: I’ve run for possum queen 47 times.
Season 4, Episode 10
0:37 JETHRO TO JED: Granny says when this picture was took you was the lady killer of Cass County.
Season 4, Episode 15
2:32 GRANNY TO MISS JANE: It [cure for the common cold] was wrote up in the Razorback Hog Breeder’s Gazette.
Season 4, Episode 22
2:17 GRANNY TO MISS JANE: In 1902, rode the C. & R. [railroad] Thunderbolt from Sibley to Bug Tussle. Covered that 18 miles in one hour flat. Broke the record.
Season 4, Episode 25
GRANNY TO GLADYS FLATT: [Beaver casserole is the] specialty of the house in the hotel dining room in Bug Tussle.
Season 4, Episode 29
12:41 GRANNY TO JED: Do you remember that buck-toothed family that used to live up on Piney Ridge?
Season 5, Episode 1
9:49 JED TO MR. DRYSDALE: That [Snider’s Swamp] is the big health resort back in our neck of the woods.
Season 5, Episode 3
14:45 JED TO JETHRO AND DASH RIPROCK: You know when I was courting I always done best when I took the girl out to some place extra special, like up to watch the bats fly out of Carson’s Cave at sundown.
Season 5, Episode 4
2:44 EMILINE FETTY TO JED: You remember the Fetty family that lived back over Possum Ridge?
20:25 JED TO EMILINE FETTY: We leave for Bug Tussle tonight and honeymoon in Snider Swamp … And we’ll move into that little shack back of Possum Ridge with you ma and pa and 17 sisters.
Season 5, Episode 12
11:49 JED TO GLORIA SWANSON: We seen it at the Bijou Theater back in Bug Tussle. … My cousin Pearl plays piano there.
18:27 GLORIA SWANSON TO MR. CHAPMAN: How about the Bijou Theater in Bug Tussle?
20:39 UNNAMED MAN TO GLORIA SWANSON: Ms. Swanson, you are the biggest thing that ever happened to Bug Tussle.
20:42 GLORIA SWANSON TO CROWD: Bug Tussle is the nicest thing that ever happened to me.
Season 5, Episode 14
0:41 GRANNY TO JED: That’s where I got the idea. The Ritz Hotel in Bug Tussle.
Season 5, Episode 17
[Amos Hogg, Mayor of Bug Tussle, visits the Clampetts in Beverly Hills. Numerous Bug Tussle references.]
Season 5, Episode 20
1:13 GRANNY TO JED, ELLIE MAE, AND JETHRO: The whole city of Bug Tussle will be in flames. All five buildings will be burning.
3:43 MISS JANE TO MR. DRYSDALE: It seems there is an [Crow Feet] Indian reservation which adjoins the Clampett oil lands …
Season 5, Episode 22
13:22 JED TO MRS. DRYSDALE: … they took up an offer to play at the Buzz River Hog and Steer Auction
Season 5, Episode 24
6:57 JED TO GRANNY, ELLIE MAE, AND JETHRO: She [the Gypsy woman] might have heard it coming through Bug Tussle.
Season 5, Episode 26
3:36 GRANNY TO JED AND ELLIE MAE: But this hog makes a razorback look like a ground squirrel.
5:32 GRANNY TO JED AND JETHRO: The first thing I’m going to do is send one of those hams to Lee’s Summit, Missouri. That Willie Marr thinks she can cure a big ham. … Missouri is the show me state.
Season 6, Episode 1
8:05 MR. DRYSDALE TO MISS JANE: Do you think the Crown will overlook your services in converting the peasants of Possum Ridge into the keepers of Clampett Castle?
Season 6, Episode 4
3:29 JED TO GRANNY AND JETHRO: I ain’t about to start no World War III between England and Bug Tussle.
Season 6, Episode 5
6:59 GRANNY TO MISS JANE: When is Beverly Hills going to catch up with Bug Tussle?
17:27 JED TO ELLIE MAE: By doggies, I believe it would do us all good to take a trip back to the hills.
17:30 ELLIE MAE TO JED: Yeah, we could go to the big fall festival at Silver Dollar City
Season 6, Episode 6
0:06 JED TO JETHRO: Jethro, how long you reckon it will take us to get back to Silver Dollar City.
0:32 GRANNY TO JED: Jed, we don’t want to miss the festival. Everybody and his dog will be at Silver Dollar City come Saturday.
0:38 ELLIE MAE TO JED: Is Aunt Pearl going to meet us there?
1:12 GRANNY TO JED: I sure hope Jimmy Driftwood comes up from Timbo.
11:49 GRANNY TO PEARL: Pearl, the men are streaming by your house on the way to the festival.
Season 6, Episode 10
2:13 GRANNY TO JED: It’s [a letter] from her. … Adeline Ashley … the dream girl of every mountain boy from Pixel River to the state line.
5:13 JED TO MR. DRYSDALE: Oh no, Bug Tussle is a town. She lives in a city. … Turkey Shoot.
Season 6, Episode 14
15:43 GRANNY TO ACTOR PORTRAYING GENERAL GRANT: I still have the bathing suit that I wore in the beauty contest at Expo ’97 in Bug Tussle.
Season 6, Episode 16
5:28 GRANNY TO ELLIE MAE: I thought the whole world had heard of Homer Grimbell. … That man thought up and painted every Burma Shave sign in Pike County. … I only wish you were here for inspiration, cousin Homer.
Season 6, Episode 19
5:48 GRANNY to JED: Start looking [for a restaurant for Jethro] out around Kansas City.
Season 6, Episode 21
5:16 JED TO MR. DRYSDALE: Seems she [Granny] got this calendar from the First National Bank of Bug Tussle.
6:12: GRANNY TO MR. DRYSDALE: Did you bring my tickets to Bug Tussle?
Season 6, Episode 22
9:35 GRANNY TO JED, ELLIE MAE, AND JETHRO: Did you hear that? Rebecca [of Donnybrook Farms] is from the Smokies. That’s my country.
Season 6, Episode 23
3:06 GRANNY TO JETHRO: You know how I done that, boy? I put the Possum Ridge paralyzer on her and then I give her the Bug Tussle bounce.
17:24 WRESTLING ANNOUNCER: That roar of welcome is for the battlers from Bug Tussle, the Clampett family.
Season 6, Episode 28
2:29 GRANNY TO ELLIE MAE: Got the paper from back home, Ellie?
2:31 ELLIE MAE TO GRANNY: Yes ma’am. It’s the Bug Tussle Times, Tribune, Journal, and World Report.
6:40 GRANNY TO JED: I want everybody in Pike’s County to know. That’s why I’m telling Elverna it’s a secret.
20:28 GRANNY TO JED: I already tried. But Minnie on the switchboard in Bug Tussle says she ain’t taking no calls … .
Season 6, Episode 30
1:55 JED TO GRANNY: [Cousin] Roy’s ma is one of the best cooks in Cook County.
2:35 GRANNY TO JED: Possum Ridge poison is what it [Roy’s mother’s moonshine] was.
4:14 COUSIN ROY: This place is bigger than the Cook County Courthouse.
7:08 COUSIN ROY SINGING TO ELLIE MAE: There’s a cabin in Cook County … where dwelt my lovely Ellie Mae.
15:30 POLICEMAN TO COUSIN ROY: Back in Missouri before I took my first bottle of Mother Myrtle’s I was a 97 pound weakling.
Season 7, Episode 3
5:40 GRANNY TO STEWARDESS: [describing Jethro] The royal buzzard, the beast of Bug Tussle, the creature that’s going to eat England.
Season 7, Episode 6
9:45 MISS JANE TO MR. DRYSDALE: Would you like to hear the saga of the Beasly family that lived behind Possum Ridge?
Season 7, Episode 15
9:24 GRANNY TO MR. DRUCKER (ON TELEPHONE): Do you know anything about a town called Ripley?
9:29 MR. DRUCKER TO GRANNY (ON TELEPHONE): Yeah Granny, that’s over in Jasper County
Season 7, Episode 17
8:39: GRANNY TO COUSIN ROY: When did you leave Bug Tussle, Roy?
10:17 GRANNY To COUSIN ROY: Where was you playing Roy?
10:19 COUSIN ROY TO GRANNY: The new Crawdad Room of Bug Tussle Biltmore.
10:24 JED TO COUSIN ROY: You mean to tell me they have added on to the Biltmore.
10:28 GRANNY TO COUSIN ROY: It already was the biggest hotel in the county.
10:36 ELLIE MAE TO COUSIN ROY: You play there regular Roy?
10:39 COUSIN ROY TO ELLIE MAE: Well every Saturday night I play in Bug Tussle. But then during the week I play the small towns.
18:17 COUSIN ROY TO JED: [I’m going] back to Bug Tussle where I belong.
18:36 JED TO COUSIN ROY: Well, what about that fellow that seen you back there at the Bug Tussle Biltmore and asked you to come out here and make records?
Season 7, Episode 18
0:00 NARRATOR: Welcome to another episode of Cousin Roy in Movieland. …. Can a shy but talented boy from a small town in the Ozarks find happiness …?
Season 7, Episode 20
12:10 JED TO MS. JANE: Sure. I’ve whittled many a sets for folks back in the hills.
12:12 GRANNY TO MS. JANE: Half of the folks on Possum Ridge is eating with Jed’s teeth.
12:15 JED TO MS. JANE: I’ve made them for folks as far away as Branson.
12:17 GRANNY TO MS. JANE: His best customer is Jim Owen over to Branson.
12:34 JED TO MS. JANE: I think Jim appreciated his fishing teeth the most. He used to love to get out in his john boat on the White River.
Season 7, Episode 21
10:42 JED TO MR. DRYSDALE: Granny rode a mule all the way to Timbo, Arkansas just to study with John and Elvira Hopkins
Season 7, Episode 22
6:49 JED TO CAROL BENNET: I got the log from back in the hills.’
6:55 JED TO CAROL BENNET: No ma’am. That’s Arkansas cedar.
Season 7, Episode 23
4:15 GRANNY TO JED: Back in Tennessee my granny had a saying …
6:13 GRANNY TO TELEGRAPH OPERATOR (ON TELEPHONE): My old granny back in Tennessee had a saying …
6:50 JED TO GRANNY: What about that saying your granny had down there in in Tennessee?
6:55 GRANNY TO JED: My grandpa had another saying …
16:10 MISS JANE TO MR. DRYSDALE: He [Sam Drucker] owns the Bank of Tenn.
Season 8, Episode 1
3:09 JED TO GRANNY: Now, it looks like somebody has sent us the latest copy of the Silver Dollar City News.
15:53 JED TO MR. DRYSDALE: There’s some mighty fine boys back around Bug Tussle, Silver Dollar City.
Season 8, Episode 2
1:30 (IN SILVER DOLLAR CITY) SHAD TO JED, GRANNY, AND ELLIE MAE: I thought it was you Clampetts, welcome home.
3:09 JED TO ELLIE MAE: Ellie Mae, I used to go hunting with this rascal [Shorty Kelloms] when we was boys.
3:56 JED TO SHORTY KELLOMS: Well now Shorty you ain’t seen me in 25 years.
9:44 MISS JANE TO MR. PARNELL: Silver Dollar City is a little town. It’s located back in the hills where the Clampetts came from …
14:28 GRANNY TO JED: If I lose Elverna Bradshaw gets to kick me clean to the top of Dewey Bald Mountain.
Season 8, Episode 3
10:22 (IN SILVER DOLLAR CITY) GRANNY TO ELLIE MAE: Where are you from?
16:04 SHORTY KELLOMS TO JED: If she loses Elverna gets to kick her clean up Dewey Bald.
Season 8, Episode 4
0:25 SHORTY KELLOMS TO JED: All that busting loose out there [in Silver Dollar City] and you want to go fishing?
0:30 SHORTY KELLOMS TO JED: I don’t blame you. Where are you going?
0:32 JED TO SHORTY KELLOMS: I ain’t decided yet. Jim Owns says that they’re taking some mighty big trout out of Lake Taneycomo. But Harold Lansley says that the bass are biting on Table Rock.
0:41 SHORTY KELLOMS TO JED: Table Rock is a heap closer. Must be a good twelve miles to Lake Taneycomo.
Season 8, Episode 5
9:17 JETHRO TO GRANNY: Well I’ve got to get over to Bug Tussle and meet a girl.
17:02 MR. DRYSDALE TO SHORTY KELLOMS: Where is the Bank of Bug Tussle?
17:04 SHORTY KELLOMS TO MR. DRYSDALE: Well believe it or not, it’s in Bug Tussle.
17:06 MR. DRYSDALE TO SHORTY KELLOMS: Well where is Bug Tussle?
17:08 SHORTY KELLOMS TO MR. DRYSDALE: Passed right through it on the way here [Silver Dollar City]
17:10 MR. DRYSDALE TO SHORTY KELLOMS: Impossible. In twenty miles I passed one building.
17:12 SHORTY KELLOMS TO MR. DRYSDALE: That’s Bug Tussle.
17:13 MR. DRYSDALE TO SHORTY KELLOMS: You’re joking.
17:15 SHORTY KELLOMS TO MR. DRYSDALE: No. General store, the bank, post office, city hall, fire department, funeral parlor, jail, and boat landing.
17:18 MR. DRYSDALE TO SHORTY KELLOMS: And Granny trying to put 85 million in a bank like that?
17:20 SHORTY KELLOMS TO MR. DRYSDALE: That’s the only bank in the county.
Season 8, Episode 6
2:33 JOHN SHAFFER TO BUGGY DRIVER: The fair? The Silver Dollar City fair?
2:38 BUGGY DRIVER TO JOHN SHAFFER: Yeah, Bug Tussle too. And Branson and Blue Eye. It’s fair all around here. But it’s raining in Eureka Springs.
6:37 JETHRO TO SHORTY KELLOMS: Pretty girls are as scarce as hen’s teeth in Bug Tussle. I’ve been waiting in front of the general store for pert near …
19:33 MR. DRRYSDALE TO SHORTY KELLOMS: … It cost me $50,000 but I bought the Bank of Bug Tussle.
Season 8, Episode 7
7:07 MR. DRYSDALE TO MISS JANE: Because of you I paid $50,000 for the Bank of Bug Tussle.
Season 8, Episode 8
0:05: JED: Dogged if this New York City ain’t bigger than downtown Springfield.
0:07 GRANNY: It’s even bigger than Joplin.
0:09 ELLIE MAE: Sure got Bug Tussle beat.
6:29 POLICEMAN TO GRANNY: And where might he [Jed] be from?
6:32 POLICEMAN TO GRANNY: Bug Tussle. Is that by any chance in the old country?
6:35 GRANNY TO POLICEMAN: Taney County.
11:03 POLICEMAN TO JED: You’re from Taney County.
11:08 JED TO POLICEMAN: Born and raised there.
Season 8, Episode 10
1:09 SHORTY KELLOMS TO JETHRO: I say’s to myself, … where’s the most exciting place in the whole country ? As quick as a flash the answer come to me - Hot Springs, Arkansas. … Made a wrong turn at Blue Eye.
8:51 SHORTY KELLOMS TO JED, GRANNY, ELLIE MAE, AND JETHRO: This is the money I got from a silver mine. Sold out to a Syndicate from Reed Springs [sic]. Fred Syndicate.
Season 8, Episode 16
1:30 JETHRO TO ELLIE MAE AND GRANNY: (at Petticoat Junction) How do you like my outfit? Had to go clean to Riverdale to get it.
6:05 MR. DRUCKER TO STEVE: (at Petticoat Junction) You know that leg art really sells pictures, especially in big cities like Pixely and Blue Springs.
Episode 8, Episode 17
10:39 SHAD TO JED: She’s [Elverna] pulling traveling salesmen there [hotel in Silver Dollar City] clean from Branson and Bug Tussle.
Season 8, Episode 21
8:09: but I’m sure going to miss old Shad … he had to go back to Silver Dollar City …
Season 9, Episode 9
4:25 GRANNY TO MARK TEMPLETON: The only sea I’m from is Tennessee.
Season 9, Episode 22
3:29 MR. DRYSDALE TO ELLIE MAE: Are you familiar with the capitals?
3:29 ELLIE MAE TO MR. DRYSDALE: Well, yes sir. Some of them. The capital of Arkansas is Little Rock … and the capital of Missouri is Jefferson City.
Season 9, Episode 23
10:05 ELLIE MAE TO “ROBERT”: She [Granny] was born and raised down in Limestone [Tennessee].
Season 9, Episode 24
5:35 GRANNY TO POLICEMAN: It all started when I was a girl in Tennessee. I was born and raised in Limestone, that’s near Greenville.


Ozarks - a physiographic region containing mountains and plateaus covering northern Arkansas, southern Missouri, northeastern Oklahoma, and a very small part of southeastern Kansas.

Eureka Springs – a small city in northern Arkansas. Its population in 2010 was 2073. It is one of the two county seats of Carroll County. The supposed healing powers of the springs in the city have attracted visitors for over 150 years and Eureka Springs remains a popular tourist destination to this day.

Oxford – a small incorporated town in Izard County in northern Arkansas. It has a population of 670. Education in Oxford is provided by the Izard County Consolidated School District which was formed in 1985 by the consolidation of the Oxford School District and the Violet Hill School District. Currently, the schools in this district are the Izard County Consolidated High School, located in Brockwell; the Izard County Consolidated Middle School, located in Brockwell; and the Izard County Consolidated Elementary School, located in Violet Hill. Here is a Street View image of Oxford from 2014:
Google Maps

There is also a small, unincorporated community named Oxford in Worth County, Missouri in the extreme northwestern part of the state near the border with Iowa.

Hooterville – (There is no actual location in the United States that is called Hooterville.)

Tennessee – a state in the southern United States. Tennessee is bordered by Kentucky, Virginia, North Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, and Missouri. The capitol of Missouri is Nashville. The Appalachian Mountains cover much of eastern Tennessee. Although Tennessee was part of the Confederacy during the Civil War, there were many Union loyalists in eastern Tennessee.

Smoky Mountains – a subrange of the Appalachian Mountains located along the Tennessee and North Carolina border.

Perkins Point – a location on the shore of Lake of the Ozarks in Camden County, Missouri.

Napoleon, Tennessee – (No references were found.)

Hot Springs, Arkansas - a resort city in central Arkansas known for its therapeutic hot springs and horse racing. Until the 1960s it was also known for illegal gambling. It is the county seat of Garland County and has a population of about 37,000.

Nashville – the capital and largest city of Tennessee, it is located in the central part of the state and is known as the “home of country music.”

Catfish Creek – (The only references found are a creek in eastern Iowa and creek in central Florida.)

Joplin – a city in southwestern Missouri located in Jasper County and Newton County. Although it is the largest city in Jasper County, it is not the county seat. It has a population of about 50,000.

Turnerville – a very small unincorporated community in Howell County in south central Missouri.

Sibley – Sibley, Missouri is a small incorporated village with a population of about 360 in west central Missouri in Jackson County about 25 miles east of Kansas City. Sibley, Arkansas is a ghost town that was located in the flat, non-mountainous delta region of Crittenden County, Arkansas near West Memphis and the Mississippi River. Sibley, Tennessee is a very small unincorporated community in south central Tennessee. Sibley Hollow is a largely uninhabited geographic feature in Stone County, Arkansas about two miles east of the community of Fox.

Pike County – Pike County, Missouri is in east central Missouri and is bounded on the east by the Mississippi River. It has a population of about 18,500. Pike County, Arkansas is in southwestern part of the state and is contains part of the Ouachita Mountains in the north and part of the Gulf Coastal Plain in the south. It has a population of about 11,000. Pike County, Kentucky is the easternmost county of the state and is located in the Appalachian Mountains. It has a population of about 58,000.

Flat Rock – (No references were found for a community named Flat Rock in any Pike County.)

New York City – a very large city in southeastern New York.

Little Rock – the capital city of Arkansas and county seat of Pulaski County. It is located in central Arkansas on the south side of the Arkansas River. It has a population of about 198,000.

Springfield – the largest city and county seat of Greene County in southwestern Missouri. It has a population of about 168,000. There is also a small unincorporated community in Conway County in central Arkansas named Springfield and a city on the northern border of Tennessee in Robertson County with a population of about 17,000 named Springfield.

Mincy – a small, unincorporated community in Taney County, Missouri near the Arkansas border and Bull Shoals Lake of the White River.

Bug Tussle – Bugtussle, Kentucky is a small, unincorporated community just north of the Tennessee border in Monroe County.
Bugtussle, Oklahoma is a small, unincorporated community on the south shore of Lake Eufala in Pittsburgh County. There are no known actual communities named Bug Tussle or Bugtussle in Missouri, Tennessee, or Arkansas.

Las Vegas – a city in Nevada well known for legal gambling.

West Indie[s] – a region of islands in the Caribbean Sea and Atlantic Ocean.

Kansas City – a large city in west central Missouri that is located mostly in Jackson County but is also partially located in Clay County, Cass County, and Platte County. It is the largest city in Missouri and has a population of about 490,000. The smaller city of Kansas City, Kansas, population 153,000, adjoins Kansas City, Missouri on the west.

Cass County - a county in west central Missouri with a population of about 100,000. Its county seat is Harrisonville.

Razorback Hog Breeders Gazette – Although there is no known publication with this name, the mascot of the University of Arkansas is the razorback hog and the oldest newspaper in Arkansas is the Arkansas Gazette (now called the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette).

C & R [Railroad] – A search of United States railroad named C & R revealed only the Cincinnati and Richmond Railroad that ran from Hamilton, Ohio to Rendcomb Junction, Ohio. A search of named passenger trains in the United States did not return any results for a train named the Thunderbolt. There are several railroads that run or did run through the Ozarks, including, but not limited to, the now-abandoned Missouri and North Arkansas that ran from Joplin, Missouri to Helena, Arkansas with a branch to Eureka Springs, Arkansas and the Missouri and Northern Arkansas (formerly the White River Division of the Missouri Pacific) that runs from Kansas City, Missouri through Branson, Missouri to Newport, Arkansas.

Piney Ridge - (No references were found for any community or geographical feature named Piney Ridge.)

Snyder’s Swamp – a fictional location in a song performed by Charley Weaver (Cliff Arquette) on his album Sings For His People.

Carson’s Cave – (No references were found except for Kit Carson’s Cave near Gallup, New Mexico.)

Possum Ridge – Possum Ridge Road is about 20 miles southwest of St. Louis, Missouri and Possum Ridge Lane is about 2 miles south of Dale Hollow Lake in north central Tennessee.

[Crow Feet] Indian Reservation – There are no federally recognized Indian tribes named Crow Foot or Crow Feet in the United States. There are no Indian reservations in Missouri or Arkansas. There is only one Indian nation in Oklahoma that retains territorial jurisdiction and is considered by some to continue to have a reservation. That is the Osage Nation. However, it only retains territorial jurisdiction over the underground mineral (mostly oil) rights. This is sometimes referred to as the “underground reservation.”
Buzz River– (No references were found.)

Lee’s Summit, Missouri – a city in Jackson County, Missouri southeast of Kansas City with a population of about 98,000.
Missouri - a state in the central United States. Missouri is bordered by Iowa, Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Kansas, and Nebraska. The capitol of Missouri is Jefferson City. Although Missouri remained part of the Union during the Civil War, secessionist factions proclaimed a Confederate government and sent delegates to the Confederate Congress.

Silver Dollar City – a theme park established in Stone County, Missouri in 1960. It is near Table Rock Lake and is about 10 miles west of Branson, Missouri. There was never an actual town named Silver Dollar City, Missouri.

Pine Bluff – a city in central Arkansas with population of about 42,000.

Timbo – a small, unincorporated community in Stone County, Arkanas. Singer Jimmy Driftwood lived in Timbo at one time.
Pixel ? River – (No references were found.)

Turkey Shoot – (No references were found.)

Cook County – In the United States, there is a Cook County in Georgia, Illinois, and Minnesota and a Cooke County in Texas.

Ripley - There is a city in eastern Tennessee and a neighborhood in Independence, Missouri named Ripely.

Jasper County - a county in southwest Missouri with a population of about 120,000. Its county seat is Joplin.

Branson – a city in Taney County, Missouri and Stone County, Missouri with a population of about 12,000. It has long been a popular tourist destination and is especially known for its musical entertainment theaters.

White River – a significant river with a source in the Boston Mountains in northwest Arkansas and a mouth in the Mississippi river in Desha County, Arkansas. Much of the Ozarks are in the White River watershed.

Arkansas - a state in the mid-south United States. Arkansas is bordered by Missouri, Tennessee, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, and Oklahoma. The capitol of Arkansas is Little Rock. Arkansas joined the Confederacy during the Civil War but pro-Union factions maintained a pro-Union government in northwest Arkansas.

Dewey Bald Mountain - a small mountain with an elevation of 1339 feet near Branson, Missouri. It is popular with tourists and is the location of the Dewey Bald Lower Lookout Trail.

Lake Taneycomo - a man-made reservoir formed in 1913 by the impoundment of the White River. It is located in or near Branson in Taney County, Missouri.

Table Rock [Lake] - a man-made reservoir formed in 1958 by the impoundment of the White River. It is located upstream from Lake Taneycomo and extends from southwestern Missouri to northwestern Arkansas.

Blue Eye – Blue Eye Missouri, population 162, and Blue Eye, Arkansas, population 35, are a pair of adjacent incorporated municipalities located in Stone County, Missouri and Carroll County, Arkansas.

Taney County - a county in southwest Missouri with a population of about 56,000. Its county seat is Forsyth. Branson is in Taney County. Taney County borders Arkansas on the south.

Reed Springs [sic] – Reeds Spring is a small, incorporated city in Stone County in southwestern Missouri with a population of about 900.
Riverdale – a small, unincorporated community in Christian County in southwestern Missouri.

Pixely – (There is no actual location in the United States that is called Pixely.)

Blue Springs – Blue Springs, Missouri, population about 54,000, is located in Jackson County about 20 miles east of Kansas City. Blue Springs, Arkansas is a small unincorporated community in Garland County about 25 miles north of Hot Springs.

Jefferson City, Missouri - the capital city of Missouri and county seat of Cole County. It is located in central Missouri. It has a population of about 43,000.

Limestone, Tennessee - a small unincorporated community in western Washington County and eastern Green County in northeastern Tennessee.

(References to locations in the United Kingdom have been omitted)


Ozarks – Cited by the narrator as Clampett home before move to Beverly Hills. (S1E1) Cited by the narrator as home of Cousin Roy. (S7E18)

Eureka Springs – Jed’s father took Jed and Pearl to Eureka Springs to watch the movies. (S1E1) Jasper Depew bought something for Jethrine that came “all the way from” Eureka Springs. (S1E8) Jed described Pearls music as being famous from Oxford to Eureka Springs. (S1E16)

Oxford – Jethro’s late father was from Oxford. (S1E2) Jethro’s family had to drive him considerable distance, i.e., “clean over”, to Oxford so Jethro could attend the same school as his father. (S1E2) The nearest telephone to the Clamplett home is 40 miles away at the International Emporium in Oxford (if Pearl is telling the truth to Mr. Brewster). (S1E3) Pearl lived in Oxford the first year that the Clampetts lived in Beverly Hills and plays piano in the movie theater there. (S1E6) Jed described Pearls music as being famous from Oxford to Eureka Springs. (S1E16) The Clampett’s dog, Duke, was born in Oxford. (S2E5)

Hooterville – Jasper Depew told Jethrine about a dance in Hooterville. ( S1E6) Sam Drucker owns the Bank of Hooterville. (S7E23)

Tennessee – Granny is originally from Tennessee (S1E7, S1E9, S1E12, S6E22, S7E23, S8E12, S9E9, S9E23, S9E24)

Perkins Point –Jasper Depew took Jethrine to a dance in Perkins Point. (S1E11)

Hot Springs, Arkansas – Pearl told her horse that she could retire with a racehorse from Hot Springs. (S1E13) Shorty Kelloms was heading to Hot Springs before he made a wrong turn in Blue Eye and ended up in Beverly Hills because he thought Hot Springs was “the most exciting place in the whole country.” (S8E10)

Nashville – Lester Flatt and Earl Scruggs moved to Nashville when they became famous. (S1E20)

Catfish Creek – “Back home”, Granny took corn to the grist mill at Catfish Creek. (S1E26)

Joplin – Jasper Depew is from Joplin. (S1E33) The Clampetts consider Joplin a big city comparable in size to New York City or Springfield. (S2E32, S8E8)

Turnerville – When Jethrine eloped with Jasper Depew, they went to Turnerville. (S1E33)

Sibley – Luke’s General Store is in Sibley. (S2E20) Sibley is not far from Mincy. (S3E33) It is the location of the Possum Festival and Granny has run for Possum Queen 47 times. (S4E5) Granny once referred to Sibley as “back home.” (S4E5) In 1902 it was possible to travel by train from Bug Tussle to Sibley, a distance of 18 rail miles. (S4E22) Ellie Mae remembers throwing rocks at the Beauregard Short, son of the owner of Luke’s General Store, when she was a little girl. (S3E31)

Pike County – Granny and Jed seem to mistakenly remember a family named Clampco from Pike County. (S2E32) Granny claims one of her distant cousins painted Burma Shave signs in Pike County S6E16) Granny implies that Elverna Bradshaw lives in Pike’s [sic] County. (S6E28)

Little Rock – When Ellie Mae was asked about capitals, Little Rock, Arkansas was the first capital city she mentioned. (S9E22)

Springfield - Jed considers Springfield a big city and impressed that New York City is even bigger. (S8E8)

Mincy – Granny says Mincy is where the river road cuts off to Bug Tussle. (S3E33)

Bug Tussle – Bug Tussle is in Taney County. (S8E8) It is or was once served by the C & R Railroad which had a named passenger train, the Thunderbolt. It is 18 rail miles to Sibley. (S4E22) Bug Tussle is 20 miles by road from Silver Dollar City. (S8E5) Bug Tussle has five buildings (S5E20) but only one may be visible from the road. (S8E5) The one visible from the road contains the general store, bank, post office, city hall, fire department, funeral parlor, jail, and boat landing. (S8E5) The bank is the First National Bank of Bug Tussle. (S6E21) bug Tussle contains at least two hotels, the Biltmore, which is the biggest hotel in the county (S7E17) and the Ritz (S5E14). At least one of the hotels serves beaver casserole in the dining room. (E4S24). It has at least one theater, the Bijou, and Pearl plays piano there. (S5E12) The Bug Tussle Times, Tribune, Journal, and World Report is published there. (S6E18) It has telephone service and has a local operator. (S6E18) Amos Hogg is the mayor of Bug Tussle and he is also the holder of many other municipal offices. (S5E17) Bug Tussle hosted Expo 97, presumably in the year 1897. (S6E14) Bug tussle has a reputation for night life on Saturday nights. (S3E33) The wrestling announcer in California said that the Clampetts are from Bug Tussle. (S6 E23) Bug Tussle is not mentioned in the series until Episode 33 of Season 3
Cass County – Jed once lived in or spent considerable time in Cass County as a young man. (S4E10)

Piney Ridge – Jed and Granny remember a family that lived on Piney Ridge. (S4E29)

Snider’s Swamp [sic] – Jed describes Snider’s Swamp as the big health resort back home. (S5E1)

Possum Ridge – Jed and Granny recall the Fetty family that lived over Possum Ridge. (S5E4) Mr. Drysdale once referred to the Clampetts as the peasants of Possum Ridge. (S6E1) Granny called Cousin Roy’s mother’s moonshine Possum Ridge poison. (S6E30) The Beasly family lived behind Possum Ridge (S7R6) Granny says half the folks on Possum Ridge use wooden teeth carved by Jed. (S7E20)

[Crow Feet] Indian Reservation – The Crow Feet Indian Reservation is adjacent to Jed’s “oil lands.” (S5E20)

Lee’s Summit, Missouri – Granny knows a Willie Marr that lives in Lee’s Summit. (S5E26)

Missouri - When Ellie Mae was asked about capitals, Jefferson City, the capital of Missouri, was the second capital city she mentioned. (S9E22) A policeman in Beverly Hills recalls having been given Cousin Roy’s mother’s moonshine when he was in Missouri. (S6E30)

Silver Dollar City – The Clampetts went to a fall festival in Silver Dollar City. (S6E5, S6E6) It is implied that Pearl’s house in located in or near Silver Dollar City by Episode 6 of Season 6. (S6E6) The mayor of Silver Dollar City greets the Clampetts with “… welcome home.” (S8E2) Silver Dollar City is not mentioned in the series until Episode 5 of Season 6.

Timbo – The Clampetts mention that Jimmy Driftwood is from Timbo. (S6E6) Granny once rode a mule to Timbo to study medicine. (S7E17)

Turkey Shoot – Socialite Adeline Ashley is from Turkey Shoot and it is said to be larger than Bug Tussle. (S6E10)

Cook County – Cousin Roy’s mother is said to live in Cook County.(S6E20)

Ripley - Mr. Drysdale was arrested in Ripley when he attempted to drive from Beverly Hills to Bug Tussle. (S7E15)
Jasper County – Ripley is said to be in Jasper County. (S7E15)

Branson – Jed describes Branson as “far away.” (S7E20) Elverna Bradshaw’s hotel in Silver Dollar City is said to get travelling salesmen from Branson as customers. (S8E17)

Arkansas – Jed said he got cedar wood from Arkansas to carve a statue. (S7E10) When Ellie Mae was asked about capitals, Little Rock, the capital of Arkansas, was the first capital city she mentioned. (S9E22)

Dewey Bald Mountain – Granny made a bet with Elverna Bradshaw where the winner gets to kick the loser up Dewey Bald. (S8E2, S8E3)

Lake Taneycomo – Jed considers fishing in Lake Taneycomo. (S8E4) Shorty Kellom’s hotel is 12 miles from Lake Taneycomo. (S8E4)

Table Rock [Lake] - Jed considers fishing in Table Rock. (S8E4) Table Rock is closer to Shorty Kellom’s hotel than Lake Taneycomo. (S8E4)

Blue Eye – Shorty Kelloms made a wrong turn in Blue Eye when he was heading to Hot Springs, Arkansas and ended up in Beverly Hills. (S8E10)

Taney County – Jed was born and raised in Taney County. (S8E8)

Reed Springs – Shorty Kelloms sold his silver mine to Fred Syndicate from Reed Springs. (S8E10)

Riverdale – While at Petticoat Junction, Jethro had to travel considerable distance to Riverdale to obtain a pilot’s outfit. (S8E16)

Pixely – People in Hooterville consider Pixely a big city. (S8E16)

Blue Springs – People in Hooterville consider Blue Springs a big city. (S8E16)

Jefferson City, Missouri - – When Ellie Mae was asked about capitals, Jefferson City was the second capital city she mentioned. (S9E22)

Limestone, Tennessee – Granny claims to be originally from Limestone, Tennessee. (S9E24, S9E4)

(References to locations in the United Kingdom have been omitted)



I’ve always assumed this is the right answer as well. Make it two votes for Arkansas.

Yeah, you are insane, if you think the scriptwriters were doing anything other than mostly just making up names of places that sound “hillbillyish.” They weren’t writing a historical novel.

My hat’s off to your quixotic quest, all the same.

South Arkansas

Ten counties in Arkansas produce oil, all in the southern region of the state: Ashley, Bradley, Calhoun, Columbia, Hempstead, Lafayette, Miller, Nevada, Ouachita, and Union. Historically, most of this production has been in Union, Lafayette, Columbia, and Ouachita counties. These four counties have been responsible for more than eighty-five percent of the oil produced in the state.

No mention of the Clampetts on that page though. You would think they would mention that. :smiley:

Wait a minute, it’s Texas. Says so right in the theme song.

The song refers to oil as “black gold” and “Texas tea” but it doesn’t mean Jed was in the Lone Star state. Based on all the references used throughout the show I’ll go with Arkansas. Eureka Springs really sells it.

Lots of oil in these parts.

You are biased.

First, I hesitate to dissent with someone who’s put in this kind of effort. Impressive!

But, in one of the wrestling episodes, I could have sworn that two guys watching Granny (on live TV or film) coming into the ring to help out Rebecca refer to her as a “little old lady from Tennessee”. IIRC, one doubts that to be the case and thinks she’s a ringer, based on how formidable she is.

My memory of this scene is half a century old. Do you remember such an exchange?

Again, many thanks for your amazing research on this vital matter.

There is little doubt that Granny was originally from Tennessee. However, I don’t think they were living in Tennessee at the time of the move to Beverly Hills.

They were from Tennessee

They were from the state of confusion.

Wasn’t there an episode where Jed is trying to make a call (perhaps S1E6 mentioned above ) where Jed says something like “That’s prettin near [town]”, “that’s just down the river from [town]” … “well [town] is the county seat”

There was also a mention of “South America” and Granny said something like “Louisiana – nice folks” so they are north of there.


Nothing that any character said can be relied on with certainty. However, the narrator in Episode 1 of Season 1 said, “Let’s take them back to their home in the Ozarks and see how this whole thing started.” The next seen shows the Clampetts in the cabin where they discovered oil. The Ozarks are not in Tennessee.

Tl; dr

In one episode, Jethro was dressed in the uniform of the Tennessee Volunteers, so there was definitely a connection.

However, the oil company was based in Tulsa, so the Clampetts presumably lived west of the Mississippi.

Closer than Russia from the Palin residence, I reckon.

True, but Tennessee, Arkansas, and Missouri converge on the Mississippi.