I used to have this toy and it broke a few years ago, but I’d love to have another one. Problem is, I don’t even know what to call it, let alone how to categorize it for a toy web search.
Description: A “crystal” ball-looking thing, with a wizard inside: White flowing beard, blue robe with stars on it, blue pointy wizard hat, arms outstretched with a staff in one hand. It was basically a glorified Magic 8-ball. You asked it a question, then touched the globe. Upon doing so, thunder would come out of the speaker, with lights that looked just like lightning bolts swirling around the wizard, then the wizard would “speak” the 8-ball saying in his wizardly deep voice, something like “It is in the caaahds” or “It is cerrrrrtain.” It was about 5" wide x 10" tall. This thing was great for parties. “Is so-and-so going to hook up tonight?” <crack!> <boom!> “It is not to beeeee.”
I’ve called a few smaller novelty shops and larger chains in my area (San Francisco) to no avail.
Thanks in advance!