Another question of updating outdated technology. I read in a book where a guy got his 8mm onto DVD. What sort of a place should I go to to get this done? Is it possible to do it myself?
It’s possible to do it yourself, but the product is likely to be of poor quality. You can set up a DV camera and record the image from the screen, then load the digital file to your computer and write it out to a DVD. I’ve taped film from screens and “transfer boxes” (a hole, a 45° mirror, and a rear-projection screen) and most of the colour was lost. Also, some projection speeds result in a flickering image.
A professional studio might use the Rank process, which is much better. IIRC, each frame is scanned in individually. An adjustment must still be made because of the difference in frame rate, but they do that for you.
I haven’t gotten around to transferring my films to video yet (except for 16mm test footage that went to VHS) so I don’t know who can put it on DVD for you. When I shoot 16mm I get the processing and a positive transfer to VHS from Yale Laboratories in No. Hollywood, CA. You might want to look them up. Alternatively, you can do a google search for “film” “transfer” and maybe some more specific parameters.
See your Yellow pages for “Video Transfer” - and ask them what technology they use. If it’s a projector aimed at a wall + video cam aimed at same wall, keep looking.
I had a super-8 transferred - it looks better than I expected (especially since the film pre-dates 1968)
Where to get it done depends where you are Gjorp & you never completed the location field of your profile, so it doesn’t show anything under your name.