Closer to Long Beach, the better. TIA
Just so you know, it’ll have to be a “real” telescope. My Meade ETX (similar to this) wasn’t able to see any detail, even with the highest eyepiece magnification. I could barely make out that the top was whiter, and it was red, but that was it. Very impressive with the naked eye though for how bright it is.
Any larger ones available for public use? Possibly any Astronomy clubs offering anything?
Griffith Observatory?
I have an 8" Dobsonian, I might have to struggle to see some detail as well. The humidity and heat won’t be helping the atmoshphere stability as well. At least I don’t have too much light and air pollution to deal with though since I’m in the Mojave Desert…
Hi waves
Nope I don’t have a telescope, just wanted to say howdy neighbor. [official hijack starting] It is not too big of a secret that I live in Long Beach and seeing how you actually live in Los Alamitos am closer to you than you probably would like to think. spooje just moved to Long Beach. So if you like baseball, we will proably be doing a game soon. Actually any other dopers who want to join us on out outing to Anaheim to cry over a spilled season are welcome. [OH over]
Will Tuesday night do? (It won’t look any different on Wednesday or any other time for the next week or two.)