Where can one try different kinds of scotch whisky?

Pearson’s in Georgetown has frequent tastings. Sign up on their email list to find out more.


Please tell me the name of that pub. It will come in really handy during the annual trip to see [del]the crazy evil old hag[/del] grandma.

If you are in NYC, I would try St Andrews in Times Square.

The Scottish Arms.

It’s on Sara and Forest Park in the Central West End (a few blocks east of Euclid).

Another option for whiskey tasting (wine tasting, tequila, whatever) is to host a tasting party. For wine your chances of getting two of the same are slim - but for whiskey you might want to have a sign up sheet - particularly if you want to do something specific like “single malt scotch” or you could end up with nine bottles of Glenlivet.

Invite about ten people. Everyone brings a bottle (and a glass if they are picky and your supply of scotch glasses isn’t sufficient). Do little tiny pours (especially if you are doing this with hard liquor! You can get by with larger pours of wine or beer, but the idea is to TASTE at least at the start of the evening) and take notes if you want. You can vote and hand out a bottle to whomever brought the most popular bottle. Once the serious tasting is done, you can drink. You might want to serve food and make sure people have a way to get home or let them sleep on the couch.

I’ve also seen scotch tastings done at conventions, golf clubs, cruises, etc.

You’ve found a few you like. This is helpful. Hie thee to a bookstore and pick up a copy of Jackson’s Complete Guide to Single Malt Scotch. Look up the whiskies you’ve enjoyed and read the descriptions. Then look for others that share those characteristics. This will help you select between whiskies with which you’re not yet familiar, as well as help you identify the specific characteristics you enjoy so that you can describe them more easily.