Where could I download music with my Mac?

Hey guys and girls,

got a Mac at home and been trying to find some program
to download mp3s off the net.
All the stuff I have come across are for made for using
with a PC :frowning:

Heres my question:

Is there a reliable program out there for Macs?
Also - there is a song I am looking for by Polo Montanez
that is called “Un monton de Estrellas” …
Any ideas?



Did ya’ try Googling this?

yes I did John…
no luck.

only thing I came upon was LimeWire but somehow it wont work…


The board administration permits discussion of the ethics of file-sharing, but doesn’t like it when people point to particular software. I fear a mod will be coming by pretty soon.


Here I am. There it goes.