Where do I get tiff uncompressed decompressor?

I’m trying to open a document and I need this, it is a mac/PC thing. Is there a place to download it? I seem to be a white belt in google-fu today


Your question doesn’t make any sense.
If the TIFF is uncompressed, it’s doesn’t need a decompressor.
What are you trying to do with the TIFF?

trying to open a picture that was sent to me and it says:
Quicktime and
tiff (uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture,

If your OS is Windows, I highly recommend the free graphics viewer Irfanview. I don’t think they have a Mac version.

I have Vista, I just gave it a try and it didn’t work. The image was made on a MAC

Do you know who made it?
If so, have them save it in another format.
Or, send it to someone like (me) and have them do the same.

I’ll try to have it saved as something else I guess, I thought it was just a small program that i could download but I can’t find it.


TIFF is an odd format - under the TIFF umbrella, there are lots of image format and compression variations. I’m surprised, but not astonished, that you can’t open it…

TIFFs created on a Mac have the bytes switched around compared to TIFFs expected by the PC. You should be able to view them on a PC by installing Quicktime, available for free from the Apple website.

According to my research, the problem is that you’re trying to open a file created on a Mac that’s had a TIFF inserted. MacOS uses Quicktime to compress it, and PC’s can’t open it, not even with Quicktime installed. The document needs to be recreated; better yet, if it’s only an image, just have him save the image as a JPG (or a naked TIFF if loss is that much of a factor) and send it attached (NOT inserted) to an email.