It seems recently I have been hearing and seeing a lot of references to 4:20 pm as the official time to smoke pot/get stoned (ie its 4:19, got a minute?). I was just wondering where this came from? Someone told me they thought it was from an old Grateful Dead song, but based on my searching, I am skeptical of that… also, back in my own bleary eyed dayz, there were no references to 4:20.
From my understanding, 420 is a police code for a drug violation. Friends of mine routinely have parties every April 20th for this reason.
i don’t think so, gazoo.
look here.
Boy are my dope-smoking friends going to feel silly when they find out they’re just copying some tradition started by a bunch of high school stoners!
I’m sure it’ll be a lot more amusing after they get high.
Hi there.
Let me just break in for a moment to get it on the record that the MysterEcks who posted above was a fake–a now-departed fake.
I have no idea what the significance of 4:20 PM is, so I’ll leave now.