Where has Skald run off to?

Wherever he is, I hope he’s enjoying himself. Selfishly, I also hope he comes back to us soon. I like him a lot and his threads add a thoughtful whimsy to the board.

Where’s Waldo? Er, Skaldo??? I think I may have seen him by Lambeau Field . . . or not . . . .

I thought that he was off having 2 months of mindless sex.

(You say tomato, I say tomahto…)

It could be, but he had a wife, a hot very young thing whom he preferred to an older worthy-but-dull woman after discussing it at some length with the Dope. She looked awesome when she was singing in the church choir, except she was a spunky atheist who liked stumping believers with the chariots-of-iron paradox, except she quit on Skald because she couldn’t cope with being “unequally yoked” with an unbeliever, but she came back in a very understated manner and if she left again I missed it.

All from memory and with no hope of providing cites.

You’ll never find him.

At least… not all of him.

Mwuha. Ha! Mwahahahahaha!

He’s in a time-machine that can only move forward through time, obviously.

Technically, aren’t we all?

I’d place my bets on a pit in someone’s basement…

May come back as some Fabulous Creature.

Shit isn’t funny, silly.

As Malacandra states, he’s already married. They were going to get divorced in Spring, 2009, but I think they made up.

He’s gone?


Hopefully he’ll eventually get sick of the future, and then go forward until they invent the backwards time machine.

Well, we all know time is circular. If he keeps speeding forward, he could still make it back here.

Are you implying what I think you’re implying? :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

My favorite kind of post.

A second honeymoon then.

That they’re off having a baby? :wink:

Perhaps he went on a long expected journey?

I figured the flying monkeys turned on him, but will come back soon as Skald the White.