Where Have All The Moderators Gone?

Where have all the Moderators gone?
Long time passing.
Where have all the Moderator listings gone, long time ago?
Where have all the Moderators gone?
Newbies and regulars need them, one by one.
When will they ever learn?
When will they ever learn?

Where will all the newbies go?
Long time passing.
Where will all the newbies go, when they need help?
Where will all the newbies go?
Guest accounts for all of them.
When will they ever learn?
When will they ever learn?

What will the regulars do?
Long time passing.
What will the regulars do, with no list of mods?
What will the regulars do?
Kvetch in the Pit all of them.
When will they ever learn?
When will they ever learn?

So where are the Mods listings for each of the Forums? And who will remain with the SDMB with the new subscription?

Lynn’s still around.

At the bottom of each forum, whenever you’re signed in.

None of 'em – they don’t have a credit card and their children are hungry and information should be free, dammit! :wink:

Real fine, Manny. Just because you gnawed off your leg shackle at the cost of your ankle you think to gloat, huh?
We do TOO have credit cards, really pretty ones with glittery hologram thingys even, drawn on Cecil’s Planetary Bank And Outlet, Ltd. You retired with a mug; we’ve tapped heavy buying power, bucko!

Are ATMs supposed to make vomiting noises?


My mistake.

I just remember they used to have that 5 cents for a cup of lemonade stand out front. Now all they have is that little office down in the corner where they check IDs upon entering …

Damn you, Duckster. I now have that Paula Cole song stuck in my head.

And I have an abcessed tooth, which makes me all the more easygoing and lovable and cuddly!

Now, now, Lynn. Abscess maketh the heart grow fonder.

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley:


Ah, no.

Kingston Trio.

Is that why love is so infectious? Even when you sink you teeth into it, it hurts sometimes?
:smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Get well, Lynn.

I know…but the first line got me–that’s the first thing that popped in there. :smiley:

This can’t be. Aren’t you Mod’s all well-dressed computer programs, like in the Matrix?

I don’t see why agent Smith would get an abcessed tooth.