Where I pit my new school

As some of you have read I switched to an on-ground (aka brick and motor ) school to an Online School.

Classes start today 1/13 and you were expected to have your books before the start of class. Our semester is compressed and is 5 and a half weeks long, so if you don’t have your books you will not be able to complete the assignments and fall behind.

When I enrolled in the end of Dec. I sent them a copy of my transcript from Brookdale Community College and was told they would give me credit for some classes and automatically sign me up for the correct classes.

On January 4th I ordered the books I needed for the classes. Naturally they had to be ordered through the school’s recommended book store because they were custom books.

Now even though classes don’t start until today we were able to log in on Thursday and start getting ready. I completed the first two assignments which were to post a short autobiography and read a store in one of the books.

Total. a little after midnight I logged back in and saw they withdrew me from Composition I and put me in Composition II which is good for me because it’s one less class I need to take.

The problem is I don’t have the books I need because I didn’t order the right books. My library has a collection that has one story I need to read but I have to read Background Information on Flannery O’Connor by Tuesday in a book that I don’t have. It takes about 6 days to get the book after I order it which will be later today.

I contacted the instructor and asked for an allowance to make up the assignment once the book does arrive. And of course the book I don’t need can’t be sold back as new only used.

Is this a reputable online school?

I ask because they seem to be making extra money from you by specifying where you buy your books and refuse to refund your money even though they changed your class (and required books) before the course even began.

I believe ( and hope ) that they are reputable. They are accredited and a valid school for Stafford loans to be used at.

I E-mailed the admissions rep who has been helpful beyond belief about getting full value for the book and am waiting for a response. It’s only twenty seven dollars but thats 1/3rd of the new book

I don’t think I’d have ever switched if I had been able to go to a brick and motor school; that would have been SO cool.

Well I heard from my admissions rep who has been helpful when I was unable to reach anyone in Fin Aide. They have agreed to reimburse me the useless book at the end of the semester and pay for the overnight shipping on the book I need.

I guess I have to retract this rant

Agreed. That school would Rock AND Roll.