If you want to plant your own cannabis plants and smoke em, where in the world is this 100% okay with the authorities/govt or whatever. I’ve heard Finland has no law against personal use, and apparently parts of Alaska and Australia are pretty lenient. Anywhere it’s perfectly fine and no one would raise an eyebrow?
I’m a big old pothead myself, but I’m pretty sure you can grow it relatively safely in any 3rd world country. Thai Sticks/Afghan (fill in the adjective), etc have been around since the hippy generation, and don’t appear to be going anywhere anytime soon.
If you’re talking about the US, go to alaska or California, those states are pretty much as liberal as you’re going to get. Medical Marijuana liscenses anyone? (Buttons sulks away regretting he lives in PA, the state w/ the 4th or 5th oldest {read conservative} populations of the 50 states)
If you don’t live in a third world country, you can grow some fine stuff for yourself, just keep yourself off the local radar (electric company/police radar).
I am unaware of Alaska state law (although I seem to recall that the state decriminalized possession of some small amount of marijuana some years ago) but while California law does allow for the use of marijuana by prescription, federal law still makes marijuana possession illegal and that trumps state law.
2nd, actually.
ETA: Cite. Second only to (obviously) Florida.
In one of Anthony Bourdain’s travel/cooking shows, he is in a Mumbai marketplace. The cameras show him visiting a vendor whose specialty was big, fat hashish cookies and breads. I’ll assume India has no law against the growing or vending of marijuana.
Tony stocked up.
Sounds like a fun way to learn geography.
Where in the World can Carmen SafelyPotGrow?
I haven’t been to Alaska for almost 29 years, but the last time I was there people were openly growing marijuana on apartment balconies within the city limits of Fairbanks. I’d be interested in knowing if that is still happening today.
In South Australia one plant for your own use will result in a A$300 on the spot fine and no conviction, which is about as light as it gets. It’s pathetic really. The regime makes it clear that the government doesn’t really care about personal use, but doesn’t quite have the guts to annoy hardcore busybodies by actually making it legal.
How does that work? I thought you needed a male and a female to get product. Do you have to coordinate with your kind neighbors? Or is it a loophole that’s not really a loophole?
I have an old college buddy who lives in Oregon and he and his girlfriend managed to get some sort of cultivation license as “registered caregivers” or some such verbage in the states medical MJ program. Knowing my buddy as I do it can’t be all that hard to come by.
Reading the OP and the posts I feel compelled to point out that doing it under lenient enforcement is not the same as doing it where it’s legal. Does **unspun ** want to know where it’s legal, or where you can merely get away with it?
You need a male & female to get seeds, but that’s usually not the primary desired outcome of pot growing. They grow just fine without fertilization; in fact, an unfertilized female plant will produce sensimilla, or enhanced buds. They theory is they strive more.
At least that’s what I’ve heard.
The main reason for South Australia’s liberal attitude towards pot is that their beer is completely undrinkable.
That’s cause it’s made from kangaroo hops.
Assume nothing.
While cannabis use is ignored by the authorities in some areas of India, especially during certain festivals, it is still illegal to grow or possess.
The problem with policies like that is, when you happen to be the time they decide not to ignore it. :eek:
Even attempting to grow cannabis is illegal in Finland, let alone actually growing it, having it in possession, buying/selling it etc .
Cite: Penal code, chapter 50 (1MB PDF)
I imagine it must be legal to grow in the 99.99999% of Antarctica that is not part of a national scientific research station. Now there’s a challenge!
A friend of mine who hails from Africa (Malai) has shown me pictures from home of huge plants growing in his yard. It is illegal. The police only show up if a neighbor complains. If a neighbor complains, their complaint becomes common knowledge, and the village seeks retribution. So. . .pretty much nobody complains.
I don’t think it’s legal anywhere in the world.
Legalization of cannabis is complicated by the fact that there are UN drug treaties which all member nations have signed up to. Individual nations can relax the laws but they couldn’t legalize without abrogating those treaties.
I don’t think so. Antarctica is entirely the territory of one country or another, and that country’s laws will very likely apply.