Where on earth has no Doper ever been?

I was in Saskatoon last week, so strike that one off the list.

My pants.

I’m wondering if miles deep into the world’s deserts might be where few Dopers will have gone. Said another way: How deep into the desert(s) have you been?

Swamps, caves, jungles, remote mountains, that sort of place. Not long ago we watched the Netflix DVD of Touching the Void (2003) which is a reenactment of two climbers’ experiences at Siula Grande in the Peruvian Andes in 1985. One of the most life-affirming semi-documentaries I have seen, it is also an example of what traveling to remote locations can entail.

In the spirit of such things, what’s the farthest from civilization and potential rescue that you have gone alone or with just one or two others?

So *you * haven’t even been in your own pants? :dubious:


Beautiful! I had this feeling that I had seen reference in an older thread that some Doper had made it. Congratulations!

Dollars to donuts that an Air Force doper has been to Thule. I know twenty or thirty people who have been there, and only about half of them went there for the USAF. This is also a pretty good reason to rule out several minor towns in North Dakota that are between missile silos.

I expect casdave’s been to Ascencion; my uncle’s been there too. And don’t we have a Doper who’s actually at the South Pole right now? I do recall somebody applying to go there.

Do we have any Dopers who’ve worked at Kourou?

I’ve been to South America, Africa, and Saskatoon. No luck on Svalbard, though.

If I remember right, Diogenes the Cynic (or maybe another prolific poster in GD) was a Peace Corps volunteer in Mali. I imagine he made it to Timbuktu when he was there.

Here’s a touchy thought: has any Doper ever been on Death Row as an inmate?

Well, I know I haven’t vaccumed behind that couch since we moved in…

I was sorely tempted to head on out there when they advertised some eco-tours about 15 years ago but was too broke.

I bet no doper has been to Niihau or Kahoolawe. Well I suppose it’s possible that some military dopers might have been to the later a long time ago when it was used for target practice but it’s still unlikely.

How about Dime Box, Tx.?

I’ve been with a Bedouin guide a few miles into the Red Sea Desert on camel.*
I’ve also been to Hobart, Tasmania.
(*I enjoyed typing that!)

Fine, but have you also been through the desert on a horse with no name?

That’s neat. It’s always amazed me how human beings on earth have found ways to adapt to extremes. Deserts are the hardest for me to imagine myself adapting to. And yet I can imagine it equally hard to adapt to an environment like the one in Waterworld. Too much of anything is hard to adapt to, I guess.

If so, go ahead and risk it: name him Virgil.

I’ve been swimming here, but there were about 30 of us.

Okay. I have to ask. Zooming into that map, I don’t see any nearby land. Aside from having been swimming in the Bermuda Triangle, what significance does that place hold?

I know I’ve been to that park when I was younger–crabbing and digging mussels, I believe. I don’t know if it was that specific island.

As a side note, the island a bit north of it is “Big Bacon Island.” I can think of a few dopers who might like to visit there.